School of Education
Objectives, outcomes & actions
Improving Climate through the Lens of Justice & Equity (2019-Present Focus)
Improve Communication & Community
Outcome | Action Step(s)/Current Status |
Align SOE conceptual framework with new missing and vision statements. |
Review and work with UComm on graphics, timeline TBD. |
Provide Prof Dev grounded in equity and social justice |
Spring of 2024, SPC chair facilitated activity toward defining, "Global Competencies/Teaching." |
Increase Communication |
SPC committee recommended a change to be made to the SOEL committee in Fall of 2024 to create a set of bylaws and to update program director/coordinator roles as needed. |
Develop Vision Statement |
In Spring 2024, SPC committee reviewed vision statement and recommended revisions, and asked for feedback. The draft of the vision will be brought to SOE in Fall 2024. |
Develop Mission Statement |
SPC committee developed two versions of a new mission statement in Fall of 2023. They sent these for a vote and added the new mission statement to the SOE website. |
Create and update graphics and informational charts |
Updated Website in Fall of 2023 |
Develop and propose SOE meeting norms and structure, providing more connection activities and highlights. |
Fall 2021 kickoff SOE meeting:
Future SOE meetings:
Establish a visual communication flowchart and identify/revise communication procedures | In process |
Provided information on support structures to address conflicts and disagreements within SOE, including:
Crucial Conversation Trainings - supported by SOE Dean budget:
Affirmative Action Officer Dina Zavala presented at Feb. 5, 2021 SOE meeting |
Develop a more inclusive mission and vision statement; revisit and update on a regular basis. | Planned time allocated in 2021-22 SOE meetings |
Distributive Leadership in SOE
Outcome | Action Step(s)/Current Status |
Clarify and determine improvements to how School of Education Leadership (SOEL) team functions to increase transparency for decision-making |
Fall 2021:
Examine decision-making procedures at each unit level (e.g., content area/department, program/certification range, upper-level administration, etc.) Examine existing language for program director positions (roles and responsibilities) |
September 2021 SOEL meeting: Program directors will develop prompts for the review of:
October 2021 SOE meeting: PLC groups will discuss and respond to prompts November-December 2021: Review of data |
Professional Development Grounded in Social Justice and Equity
Outcome | Action Step(s)/Current Status |
Provide Prof Dev grounded in equity and social justice |
Spring of 2024, SPC chair facilitated activity toward defining, "Global Competencies/Teaching." |
Allot time connected to or integrated in SOE meetings to address an equity-related topic and provide opportunities to engage in equity trainings. |
PD at SOE meetings: In progress.
Equity Trainings: trainings identified by faculty and supported by SOE funds Crucial Conversations Training - 1.5-day training (also listed above):
Antiracist Pedagogy Across the Curriculum (ARPAC) Training - 5-day intensive training:
Provide ongoing structured professional development related to effective ways to establish and maintain productive working groups. Engage in collective readings of books, texts, and media that promote social justice perspectives and conversations. |
Based on a faculty interest survey, books were purchased and distributed in Summer, 2021 - 23 SOE members are engaging in small group SOE discussions of the following:
Develop/explore funding resources for UWL SOE faculty/staff to attend equity-related training, with the expectation they will “share out” at an SOE meeting. |
SOE deans office has allocated resources. Fall 2021: Appropriate workgroup will develop an RFP for faculty to request funds. |
Prepare and distribute an informative product (e.g., summary, infographic) summarizing what factors impact workplace climate and how climate affects well-being, productivity, and feelings of belonging among key stakeholders. Re-visit our definition and understanding of equity and social justice on a regular basis
Work to begin Fall 2021. |
Review and Revise Policies and Procedures
Outcome | Action Step(s)/Current Status |
Increase Communication |
SPC committee recommended a change to be made to the SOEL committee to create a set of bylaws and to update program director/coordinator roles as needed. |
Charge all standing SOE committees with developing equity-minded bylaw language for their committee work (clear process for decision making). This information will then be added to the SOE website. |
Work to begin Fall 2021 as charges to SOE committees (TCPR, EPC Mentoring, Strategic Planning Executive Committee, SOEL) Draft language will be shared with Action Team: December 1. Action Team will provide feedback to each committee prior to January SOE retreat. Each SOE committee will present their final drafted language to the SOE membership at the January SOE retreat. Language to be finalized and posted on the SOE website: March 1, 2022. |
Identify policies and procedures that negatively impact SoE climate. |
Fall 2021 Action Team: Will seek feedback from the SOE membership about policies or procedures that could be modified to better support their work. |
Inclusive Shared Mission
Outcome |
Action Step(s)/Current Status |
Align SOE conceptual framework with new missing and vision statements. |
Review and work with UComm on graphics, timeline TBD. |
Provide Prof Dev grounded in equity and social justice |
Spring of 2024, SPC chair facilitated activity toward defining, "Global Competencies/Teaching." |
Increase Communication |
SPC committee recommended a change to be made to the SOEL committee in Fall of 2024 to create a set of bylaws and to update program director/coordinator roles as needed. |
Develop Vision Statement |
In Spring 2024, SPC committee reviewed vision statement and recommended revisions, and asked for feedback. The draft of the vision will be brought to SOE in Fall 2024. |
Develop Mission Statement |
SPC committee developed two versions of a new mission statement in Fall of 2023. They sent these for a vote and added the new mission statement to the SOE website. |
Create and update graphics and informational charts |
Updated Website in Fall of 2023 |