Safe and Fun Oktoberfest
A page within Student Life

Staying Safe During Oktoberfest
Responsible Action Policy
The Responsible Action Policy encourages students to call for emergency medical assistance if someone may be in danger from alcohol or drug use. Responsible Action protects the caller from police citation and/or university discipline for alcohol-related offenses following the completion of any educational programs deemed necessary by the Dean of Students.
What is Bystander Intervention?
Bystander intervention is recognizing a potentially harmful situation and choosing to respond in a way that could positively influence the outcome.
There are five steps to help to prevent a problematic or potentially problematic situation:
- Notice the Event:
- Interpret It has a Problem
- Assume Personal Responsibility
- Know How To Help
- Implement the Help
Recognize the Signs of Alcohol Overdose
If you suspect that someone is experiencing an alcohol overdose, call 911 IMMEDIATELY and STAY with the them until paramedics arrive. Do not wait until they are unconscious to seek help.
Signs of alcohol overdose:
- Mental confusion
- Difficulty remaining conscious, or inability to wake up
- Vomiting
- Seizures
- Slow breathing
- Irregular breathing
- Slow heart rate
- Clammy skin
- Dulled responses, such as no gag reflex (which prevents choking)
- Extremely low body temperature, bluish skin color, or paleness
Strategies for Safer Drinking
Safer drinking strategies can reduce risks associated with substance use:
- Practice saying "no" when offered a drink that you don't want to consume
- Know your limit - the amount of alcohol that you can drink and remain comfortable and in control
- Keep track of and pace your drinks
- Alternate alcoholic drinks with water
- Eat before and during drinking
- Never drink and drive
- Know what's in your drink
- Know your family history and your risk for alcohol use disorder
- Do not combine alcohol and other drugs
- Never force anyone else to drink
What is a Standard Drink?
It is important to know how much alcohol your drink contains. In the United States, one "standard" drink (or one alcoholic drink equivalent) contains roughly 14 grams of pure alcohol, which is found in:
- 12 ounces of regular beer, which is usually about 5% alcohol
- 5 ounces of wine, which is typically about 12% alcohol
- 1.5 ounces of 80-proof liquor (gin, rum, tequila, vodka, whiskey, etc.)
Even though they come in different sizes, the drinks below are examples of ONE STANDARD DRINK.
Learn more about standard drink sizes.
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Wisconsin State Statute
Per Wisconsin Statute 125.07(4) the consumption of alcohol is restricted to individuals who are 21 years of age or older.
This is strictly enforced by the University Police and the La Crosse Police Departments. Sanctions are applied from UWL Residence Life and/or Student Life if students are found to have violated drug policies and/or laws. Information about fines can be found in the Student Handbook within "Policies and Procedures - Alcohol Policies and Fines."
UWL Police Department
The University Police Department works to strictly enforce the drinking age of 21 years of age or older. For more information, please see the Student Handbook within "Policies and Procedures - Alcohol Policies and Fines." For an example of an underage drinking citation, please click here: Example_Underage Citation.pdf.
UWL PD would like to provide a reminder that driving while intoxicated can lead to coordination loss, impaired judgment, and distorted vision. The average cost of an OWI is $10,000. There are 300,000 incidents involving drinking and driving every day. Students have several transportation options available to them, such as: MTU Safe Ride (free), Uber, Lyft, Saferide (ask any bartender for details), and taxi cabs.
If you encounter the police, please be sure to fully cooperate. The UWL PD is here to support your health and safety and can help you learn from your experiences if you cooperate.
Residence Life
The following activities are not permitted:
Under 21 years of age:
a) Possessing and/or consuming alcoholic beverages
- State law prohibits the possession or consumption of alcohol by persons under the age of 21.
b) Possessing or displaying empty alcohol containers
- Residents are not allowed to have empty alcohol containers, defined as: cans, bottles, caps, boxes used for transportation, or items with alcohol residue.
Due to the Oktoberfest festivities in the city of La Crosse, UWL Residence Life will implement some measures to ensure a safe environment for our residence hall students. Please note, guests are not allowed in the Residence Halls during Oktoberfest weekend.
Alcohol-Free Events
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