Student Handbook
A page within Student Life
What is the purpose of the Eagle Eye Student Handbook?
The Eagle Eye Student Handbook is designed for student’s to better understand the resources available to them, to outline the policies and procedures that apply to students at UWL. The handbook is a tool to assist students to thrive and have a successful student experience.
Who should use the Eagle Eye Student Handbook?
Students, faculty, staff, parents and families can utilize the Student Handbook to gain a better understanding of options of support, appeal, and grievances at UWL. It is designed to help students, faculty, and staff gain better understanding of the policies, statutes, and procedures supporting student success.
How is the Eagle Eye Student Handbook created?
The Student Life Office works in partnership with departments/offices across campus and in coordination with Wisconsin state statutes, the Universities of Wisconsin Board of Regents, Universities of Wisconsin, and University policy. This information is collected in one centralized location, the Eagle Eye Student Handbook. If you have questions or suggestions, please contact the Student Life Office at 608-785-8062 or
Becoming a UWL Eagle
New Student and Family Programs
New Student and Family Programs (NSFP) helps support student success by assisting all new students and their families as they transition into college and continue to be successful students. NSFP builds partnerships with students, parents & families through communication, programming, and resources. Programs coordinated by NSFP include the following: New Student Orientation, Welcome Week, Winter Week of Welcome, Eagle Guides (peer leadership opportunity), Second Year Experience, Family Weekend, and parent involvement and engagement opportunities.
Common student questions
- What is New Student & Family Programs?
- When is New Student Orientation?
- When do I arrive on campus for move-in?
- When is Transfer Student Orientation?
- What is Welcome Week?
- What is an Eagle Guide and how can I become one?
- When is Family Weekend?
- Where can I find resources to help me be successful at UWL?
- Where can I find parent resources to help me support my student?
- Answers to these questions can be found here:
Contact information
- Office location: 2320 Student Union
- Phone: 608-785-8939
- Email:
Resources and links
- More information can be found at the New Student & Family Programs webpage here!
Transfer students
Transfer Admissions staff assists students in understanding the admission guidelines and application process. To assist students with understanding how their credits transfer to UWL, we provide information on how to utilize the Universities of Wisconsin credit transfer tools. In addition, we continue to update existing and develop new transfer equivalency guides to assist students in scheduling their courses and planning their transfer to UWL. We complete official credit evaluations after admittance to the University and completion of next steps as outlined in the admissions acceptance packet. We refer prospective students to advisors on campus for course equivalency questions and for assistance with scheduling courses prior to transferring. We offer two group information sessions on select Saturdays during the fall semester and schedule multiple two-year campus visits to promote transfer opportunities at UWL. This work assists students in understanding how to become a UW-La Crosse student and prepares them for a successful transfer transition.
Common student questions
- How do I apply for admission to UW-La Crosse?
- When should I apply for admission?
- How many transferrable credits do I need to be considered for admission?
- What are the GPA requirements for admission?
- How will my courses transfer?
- When can I register for my first semester as a newly admitted transfer student?
- I would like to appeal a transfer course equivalency, who can I talk to?
- What are my next steps now that I’ve been admitted as a transfer student?
- What courses should I take at my current institution that will transfer to UW-La Crosse?
- Is there a transfer orientation I can attend?
If you have questions like those above, or related questions regarding the admission guidelines and application process, please visit the Transfer Admissions webpage or contact the Admissions Office.
Policies & procedures
To learn more about application procedures, admission guidelines, and undergraduate transfer credit policies, visit the link below and/or contact the Admissions Office.
Visit the Undergraduate Catalog: Transfer Admissions webpage.
Contact information
Admissions Office
- Phone: 608-785-8939
- Email:
- Office Location: 2320 Student Union
Resources and links
For information about how your credits transfer between University of Wisconsin schools or Wisconsin Technical colleges visit the Universities of Wisconsin Transfer Tools webpage.
For more information about how credits may transfer, visit the Transfer Guides webpage.
For information about transfer admissions guidelines at UWL, visit the UW-La Crosse Transfer Admissions webpage or give us a call!
Veteran students
The Veterans’ Education Benefits office is designed to ensure Veterans, military dependents, and current Soldiers on campus receive their benefits in a timely manner. Our office can assist these students how to apply for their benefits and explain how the benefits will help them along the way.
The Veterans Lounge (in the Student Union building) is also an excellent room for Veterans to study, relax, eat lunch, and meet other Veterans.
Common student questions
- How do I apply for my benefits?
- How does my benefit work?
- When will my payment come through?
- What if I get called up for active duty?
- Who do talk I talk to if I have drill during the week?
If you have questions like these above, or related questions, log into D2L under “Military-related” or contact the Veterans’ Education Benefits office at 608-785-8631 or email
Policies and procedures
- Please log into D2L, under courses go to “Military-related” and search for the information regarding your benefit.
- To apply for a Federal VA education benefit, go to or call 1-888-442-4551. To apply for the Wisconsin Gi Bill, we have the application forms and you can call them directly for specific questions at 1-608-266-1311
Contact information
- Phone: 608-785-8631 & 608-785-8751
- Email:,,
- Office Location: 116 Graff Main Hall
Resources and links
Please take a moment and check out the Veterans Services webpage here!
First generation college students
Student Support Services
Each year, nearly 350 students receive support through the Student Support Services (SSS) office. SSS is a federally funded TRIO program designed to provide educational opportunities to motivate and support students from disadvantaged backgrounds. Our mission is to serve eligible college students and to foster an institutional climate that supports their short- and long-term success. We provide a variety of services that help enhance students’ academic skills, increase their retention and graduation rates, and facilitate their progression toward graduation and professional programs. In addition, the office facilitates referrals to UWL’s ACCESS Center where qualifying students who may also have a disability can coordinate needed accommodations.
Common student questions
- What are Federal TRIO Programs?
- What is a first-generation college student?
- How do I know if I’m eligible to receive services through SSS?
- How do I apply?
- To what kinds of academic resources can SSS connect me?
- Is tutoring available?
- Are there any financial aid resources available?
For answers to your questions, please visit the Student Support Services webpage.
Contact information
- Phone: 608-785-8535
- Email:
- Office location: 2131 Centennial Hall
Resources and links
For more information about the Federal U.S. Department of Education: Federal TRIO Programs visit this webpage.
For information regarding UWL's Campus Food Pantry visit their webpage.
Please visit the Counseling & Testing webpage for information about their services.
Adult learners
Adult learners expanding boxes
Campus Child Center
Campus Child Center exists to:
- Provide quality childcare, at a reasonable cost, to the children of students of the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse.
- Provide quality childcare to children of University of Wisconsin-La Crosse staff members, on a space available basis.
- Serve as a fieldwork site for programs including, but not limited to, Early Childhood Education, Elementary and Secondary Education, Psychology, Physical Education, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Recreation, Health Education, Management, and Social Work.
- Serve as a work site for University of Wisconsin-La Crosse students working through the Federal Work-Study Program or as student help.
Common student questions
- What are the ages of children served at Campus Child Center?
- Do I need to be a full-time student to enroll my child at Campus Child Center?
- Is hourly care available at Campus Child Center?
- Can I change my schedule for care needed each semester at Campus Child Center?
- How do I apply to work at Campus Child Center?
The answers to these questions can be found by visiting the Campus Child Center webpage.
Contact information
- Dawn Hays, Director
- Phone: 608-785-8813
- Email:
- Campus Child Center is located at 1601 Badger Street, adjacent to the east end of the Recreational Eagle Center
Resources and links
Financial aid, scholarships, grants, It Make$ Cents!
Financial Aid expanding boxes
Financial Aid Office
The UWL Financial Aid Office is committed to addressing the financial concerns of students that are unique to college life through counseling, outreach and financial literacy education. We aspire to equip students with the knowledge, skills and resources necessary to integrate and maintain lifelong financial wellness.
Common student questions
- Who is eligible to apply for financial aid?
- When is the FAFSA available?
- When do I have to file my FAFSA?
- What is UWL's School Code?
- UWL's Federal School Code is 003919
- When and how will I hear about my financial aid awards?
If you have questions like those above or any other questions related to financial aid please contact the Financial Aid Office at 608-785-8604 or visit the Financial Aid webpage.
Policies and procedures
Federal Law mandates that post-secondary institutions participating in Federal Financial Aid Programs have in place and monitor an academic progress policy for financial aid. The components to the UW-La Crosse Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Policy for financial aid are as follows: Grade point average (GPA), Pace (67% Rule), and Maximum Time Frame (150% Rule). For more information visit the Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy webpage.
Contact information
Financial Aid Office
- Phone: 608-785-8604
- Fax: 608-785-8843
- Email:
- Office location: 215 Graff Main Hall
- Mailing address: 1725 State Street, La Crosse, WI 54601
Resources and links
Please visit the Financial Aid Office webpage.
For more information regarding financial literacy, visit the It Make$ Cents! Money Management Center webpage.
For more information regarding scholarships, visit the Scholarship Resource Center webpage.
For more information regarding part-time jobs, please visit the Part Time Job Board webpage.
Scholarship Resource Center (SRC)
In the SRC, we strive to make finding and applying for scholarships as easy as possible. We do this in a number of ways. First and foremost, we have the UWL Outside Scholarship Database. This database was specifically created with UWL students in mind. It is as easy as pushing the search button to be exposed to thousands of scholarships from local, national, and international sources. Secondly, we have the Get Scholarific Survey. This survey makes finding scholarships a breeze because we do the searching for you! Just fill out the brief survey and we will send scholarships right to your school email. Lastly, we have a plethora of resources at your disposal on our website as well as events throughout the year. Stop by our office and let us help you make your application memorable.
Common student questions
- Where do I find Scholarships?
- Are there UWL’s scholarships?
- Are scholarships a waste of my time?
- What are my odds to get a scholarship?
- Where do I go for scholarship application help?
The answers to these questions can be found by visiting the Scholarship Resource Center webpage.
Contact Information
Scholarship Resource Center
- Phone: 608-785-6680
- Email:; or
- Office Location: 215 Graff Main Hall
Resources and Links
For more information, please visit the Scholarship Resource Center webpage.
The SRC creates a monthly brochure highlighting a variety of scholarships at this webpage.
It Make$ Cents! Money Management Center
We are UWL’s own financial literacy program emphasizing everything personal finance. We encourage students to get to know us and learn how we can help grow their personal financial awareness. When students leave our office, we want them to be equipped with the necessary skills to live a financial stress free life. Our goal is to prepare our students for success by helping them learn money management skills including: setting up a college spending plan, budgeting, managing credit, student loans, banking, saving, investing, protecting your identity.
Common student questions
- I am so stressed about money, I can hardly concentrate on school work or sleep at night, is there someone I can talk to?
- What can I do to investing some of the money that I have in savings?
- How do I get ahead on my credit card balance?
- Where are places I can use my student discount at in La Crosse?
- What do I do if I can’t make my rent or utility payments?
- How much should I be spending when it comes to entertainment or shopping for groceries?
- Where do I go to find out if I have a credit score and what is a good score?
- I would like to study abroad but I am not sure if I can afford to?
- I think someone stole my identity or has some of my personal information, who can I see about this?
- How do I know if my job offer will cover my living expenses?
Financial Peer Mentors
The IMC! Peer Mentors are here to talk to you about your financial questions. They are college students just like you. Learn from their financial successes and failures. Let them help you do anything from building a weekly budget to starting a retirement plan. Unanswered questions won’t help you earn or save money! Call, email or request a consultation. Walk-ins are welcome too!
Don’t forget to attend our free IMC! events that go on all semester long! You will find many ways to expand your financial knowledge, earn incentive points, and eat free food.
Contact information
- Phone Number: 608.785.8852
- Email:
- Office location: 2103 Centennial Hall
Resources and links
WINGS & your first semester
The START/transfer orientation and registration process is tailored to answer all student and family questions about UWL so students are prepared for their first semester here. The Office of Records and Registration works with the Admissions and Student Life offices to help ensure students start off on the right foot. In cooperation with all UWL academic departments, our goal is to get every new student the best first semester schedule possible, based on their major and/or assigned college and the general education requirements for UWL as a whole.
What classes students take and in what order is ultimately up to them, so after orientation is over, new students have the opportunity to change their schedule by adding open courses or dropping courses. This is done through a student's WINGS account, which new students are shown on their START or transfer orientation day.
Common Student Questions
- How do I get an Eagle ID?
- How do I access my email and WINGS account?
- How do I reset my password for WINGS?
- How do I register for my first semester?
- Can I allow my parents access to my WINGS account?
- What do I do if I want to take classes the summer before my first semester?
- How do I make changes to my schedule (add or drop classes) before my first semester begins?
- How do I find out if my AP/WPRT or other scores have arrived?
- Who do I talk to about transfer credit and how I can use it?
- Can I put a preferred name on my account?
If you have questions like those above and your first semester has not started yet, please contact the Admissions Office by phone at 608.785.8939 or by email at If you have already started attending classes here, please contact the relevant office:
- Eagle ID Office with questions about student IDs,
- Eagle Help Desk with questions about passwords, email, and guest access to your account,
- Counseling & Testing with questions about test scores,
- Records and Registration with questions about changing your schedule or your name, or
- The Dean's office of your College with questions about transfer credit.
Policies & procedures
Registration for your first semester is done during your START orientation or through a phone interview with the Academic Advising Center if you are unable to attend START. For students beginning in the Fall, you can make changes to your first semester schedule after START is over, starting around the second week of July. The exact date of when you can make further changes will be available at START and on our Records & Registration website.
Students can drop classes on their own up through the first 10 days of class and add open classes without instructor permission up through the first 5 days of class. Please be aware that there are deadlines for the last day to drop a class that may affect receiving any refunds, whether or not the course is on your transcript permanently, and whether or not you will receive a grade that affects your GPA. These deadlines can be found on our Records and Registration website and on the Cashier's website.
If you have trouble getting into your WINGS account, please contact the Eagle Help Desk at 608.785.8774 or for help resetting your password.
Contact Information
Admissions Office
- Phone: 608.785.8939
- Email:
- Office location: 2320 Student Union
Eagle Help Desk
- Phone: 608.785.8774
- Email:
- Office location: 103 Wing Technology Center
Records and Registration
- 608.785.8951
- 117 Graff Main Hall
Resources and Links
Refund deadlines are on the Cashier's site.
Academic add/drop deadlines are on Records & Registration's site.
Catalog information
The UWL catalog contains the latest information in degree programs, majors/minors, academic policies, procedures, regulations, requirements, and courses offered by the University. The catalog is the official document of the University. Use it as a source of information and your guide to planning for your degree
The catalog is updated every June with all of the curriculum and academic changes that occurred over the previous year. For graduation purposes, always refer to the catalog from the year you started. For example, if you entered UWL in Fall 2017, you will follow the 2017-2018 undergraduate catalog throughout your academic career at UWL.
Common student questions
- Where do I find the catalog?
- Do I need a printed copy of the catalog?
- Which catalog do I refer to for my major/graduation requirements?
- Is it possible to change what catalog I belong to?
If you have questions like those above, or related questions to the catalog, please contact the Records and Registration at 608-785-8576 or by email at
Contact Information
Records and Registration
- Phone: 608-785-8951
- Email:
- Office location: 117 Graff Main Hall
Resources and links
You can view the UWL catalog at this webpage.
Please visit the Records and Registration webpage if you have any additional questions!
Safety at UWL
Safety at UWL expanding boxes
University Police
The University Police Department serves a busy and vibrant campus, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. With a focus on providing a safe campus environment, officers additionally educate the campus about safety issues, work with campus offices and the community, and respond to emergencies.
University police hold themselves to high standard that includes operating in a fair, unbiased manner that respects the rights and dignity of all individuals. Certified UWL police officers have regular and extensive training in: life saving techniques, dealing with violent situations, community policing, emergency response, and investigations. Officers are equipped with the latest equipment, such as automated external defibrillators for cardiac emergencies and videos systems that record police contacts or help solve crimes. Police staff shares a strong sense of community and strives work in partnership to resolve issues before they become problematic. Social media and frequent campus programming help officers reach the campus community to show the personnel behind the uniforms to get the message out.
Emergencies happen without warning. Take a few moments to be prepared while knowing that University Police provide a prompt and professional response. Police officers share a great sense of community and strive to work in partnership to issues that arise. Feedback and involvement from outside the department is encouraged and provides transparency essential in today's policing.
Common student questions
- What happens if I get a ticket off campus for drinking underage and what happens on campus?
- How do I get a copy of a police report?
- How do I register my bike and what do I do if it is stolen?
- What should I do if I think my identity has been stolen?
- What should I do if I am being harassed by a former friend through social media?
- What should I do if my friend is threatening to hurt him/herself or has over-consumed alcohol or drugs?
Contact information
University Police promote the concept of, “See something? Say something.” It’s always better to call for help if a solution or resolution is not immediately obvious. Call 9-1-1 to be sure. The non-emergency number and website are always available as well.
- Emergency phone number: 608-789-9999
- Non-emergency phone number: 608-789-9000
- Office Location: 605 17th St. North. Located next to the parking ramp and student union.
Resources and links
Please visit the University Police website to learn more about emergency preparedness, crime prevention, traffic, alcohol and marijuana Diversion programs, RAVE Alert System, blue lights, and other programs.
For police reports, complete an open records request.
To learn more about police policy, visit our police policy manual here.
CARE (Campus Assessment, Response, and Evaluation)
The mission of the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse's CARE Team is to provide a proactive and supportive multidisciplinary team approach to the management, assessment and intervention of situations or individuals that may pose a physical or psychological threat to the safety and well-being of the University community, thereby helping maintain a safe campus environment conducive to learning, personal growth, and success.
Common Student Questions
- How are students referred to this team?
- Who is on the CARE Team?
- What is the purpose of the CARE Team?
- Why are students referred to this team?
- What are signs of distress or disruption?
If you have questions like those above, or related questions about the CARE Team, please contact the Student Life Office at 608-785-8062 or by email at
Contact information
CARE Coordinator, Greg Phlegar
- Phone: 608-785-8062
- Email:
- Office Location: 149 Graff Main Hall
Resources and links
If you are concerned about someone in the UWL community and are unsure of what to do, please take a moment to fill out the CARE Team person(s) of concern form.
Being a UWL Eagle
Academic success at UWL
Academic success expanding boxes
Counseling and Testing
The Test Center serves as an assessment resource for UWL students and the greater La Crosse community. The Test Center is a national, regional and campus site for the administration, scoring, interpreting, and dispersal of many tests, exams and psychological inventories.
The Testing Center offers a number of high stakes exam programs for admission, certification & licensure from over a dozen test providers. Among the many exams offered are the ACT, ACTFL, CLEP, CHES, DSST, FORT, GRE, LSAT, MCAT, Miller Analogy, MTLE, Praxis, SAT and the University of Wisconsin Placement Exams.
The UWL Test Center is nationally recognized as an exceptional test center for test security, on time test delivery, and student satisfaction. As members of the National College Testing Association we subscribe to recognized best practices in testing and strive to provide a superior testing experience to all examinees so they can achieve optimum performance on any exam.
The Test Center is open year round, Monday through Saturday, from 7:30 am until 4:30 pm, except university holidays. We proctor distance exams for other colleges & universities as well as most major high stakes exams for graduate and professional school admission
Common Student Questions
- What exams are offered at the Testing Center?
- When is the Testing Center open?
- How soon can I repeat a test if I think I can do better?
- Do you provide study resources for exams?
- Can I repeat the UW Math Placement Test?
- Are testing accommodations available?
Policies & procedures
- A government issued photo ID is required for any exam delivered in the Testing Center. It must be current and valid.
- The UWL Test Center offers secure digital lockers to store personal items during testing.
- All electronic items must be totally powered off during testing and stored in a locker.
- Most exam sessions are recorded via video surveillance to ensure test integrity and security.
Contact information
- Phone: Test Center (608) 785-8968
- Criss Gilbert, Testing Coordinator: (608) 785-8074
- 2106 Centennial Hall
Resources and links to testing programs
Visit the Counseling and Testing webpage here.
Visit the Center for Placement Testing webpage here.
For information regarding the following tests, click the links below:
- GRE general test
- ACT test
- CLEP exams
- LSAT test
- MCAT exam
- MAT test (the Miller Analogies Test was retired by Pearson Assessments in November 2023 and is no longer available)
Records and Registration services
Records and Registration maintains the integrity and security of student records, and we offer a variety of services related to a student's academic record. We help students order official transcripts and understand their official transcript, add or drop classes, verify their degree or enrollments, understand FERPA restrictions, and more. Our office can also answer questions about the academic policies of the university, including policies on repeating courses, grades and grading, Dean's Lists requirements, withdrawing from the university entirely, and re-entering the university after a break.
Common student questions
- How do I order an official transcript? Can I order it electronically?
- How do I access my unofficial transcript?
- Can you verify my enrollment for insurance, scholarship, or employment purposes?
- Where do I find my enrollment appointment to register for the next term?
- How do I add or drop a class after the semester has started? Do I need permission to add or drop?
- Is it possible to get into a closed class?
- What are the deadlines for adding or dropping a class?
- What affect does a "W" have on my record?
- What times are my final exams at?
- How can I permanently change or update the name on my record?
These questions and more can be answered in Records and Registration. Feel free to stop in at 117 Graff Main Hall, call us at 608.785.8576, email, or visit our website here.
Requests for advice on what courses to take, whether credits will transfer, and how to deal with academic ineligibility should be directed to your assigned advisor or to your College Dean's office.
- College of Business Administration - 138 Wimberly Hall
- College of Liberal Studies/School of Arts & Communication - 260 Morris Hall
- College of Science and Health - 205 Graff Main Hall
- School of Education - 145 Graff Main Hall
Policies & procedures
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a federal law that requires colleges and universities to protect the educational record of current and former students. This means that we can't release educational information about you to anyone besides you without your consent. There are two important exceptions: if the 3rd party has an educational right to know (for instance, your instructors and your College Dean) or if the information is directory information and has not been restricted by you. See our website on FERPA here for details on what directory information is and how you can restrict it.
Add/Drop policy
Students can drop classes on their own up through the first 10 days of class and add open classes without instructor permission up through the first 5 days of class. Please be aware that there are deadlines for the last day to drop a class that may affect receiving any refunds, whether or not the course is on your transcript permanently, and whether or not you will receive a grade that affects your GPA. These deadlines can be found on our Records and Registration website here.
The fee for ordering an official transcript is $10 for each copy. Paper copies or electronic copies are available. Electronic transcripts can only be ordered online through the vendor's secure site. Transcripts cannot be sent through ordinary campus email. Visit the transcript request procedure webpage here.
Contact Information
Records and Registration
- Phone: 608.785.8576
- Email:
- Office location: 117 Graff Main Hall
Resources and Links
Visit our frequently asked questions webpage here.
For more information regarding add/drop dates and deadlines, visit the Records and Registration's dates and deadlines page here.
To order transcripts, visit our transcript request procedure page here.
For directions and tips on how to register visit our registration webpage here.
For a WINGS tutorial, visit the Records and Registration WINGS webpage here.
For more information regarding student privacy, visit our webpage on FERPA here.
The Murphy Library
The Murphy Library is the campus center for academic inquiry. The library provides access to a vast and diverse collection of electronic and print resources; facilities designed to accommodate in a flexible manner a variety of learning needs; technologies that complement and enhance the acquisition, synthesis, and use of information; and staff to help students find and use the quality information they need.
Common student questions
- How can I find credible articles, books, and other resources for my papers and research?
- Where can I get help with information research or just using the library?
- How can I quickly find online articles, books, and other resources that relate specifically to my topic?
- How can I get articles or books that are not available at UWL?
- What are the library hours?
- Where can I find study spaces in the library, including quiet study areas?
- How can I check online to see what I have checked out and if I have fines?
Find the answers to these questions and more at the Murphy Library website, at, or call 608.785.8507.
Policies & procedures
The vast collection of online resources is available throughout campus using the UWL wireless networks as well as UWL computers. Students may also access these resources from off campus using their NetID and password to log in.
Students may check out an unlimited number of books and other physical items from the general collection using their barcoded UW-La Crosse ID card. Reference books, bound periodicals, and material housed in Special Collections do not circulate. Students can also check out a variety of technology items including laptops and iPads. Details about loan times, renewals, and fines can be found at the library website.
The library has a food and drink policy that states that food and drink are permitted throughout the library except in Special Collections and any other area posted as "NO FOOD OR DRINK," as long as it does not bother other library users. Care must be taken around computers and other library equipment. Beverages must be in containers that have lids or are spill resistant. If any food if delivered to the library, you must meet the delivery person by the entrance to the library. See more details and other library policies at this webpage.
Contact information
Murphy Library
- Phone: 608-785-8505
- Email:
- Office Location: 130 Murphy
Resources and links
Visit the Murphy Library webpage!
For library resources arranged by subject, visit our library guides webpage.
For online or in-person reference services, visit this webpage.
Academic Advising
The Academic Advising Center is an integral part of the advising partnership between UWL students, faculty, and staff. The primary focus of the AAC is to assist undeclared majors and declared majors seeking a different major through the process of exploring and choosing a major at UWL. We also assist with general advising questions from all UWL students.
Utilizing developmental and proactive academic advising, AAC advisors can assist students with topics such as major & career exploration, UWL undergraduate academic policies & degree requirements, course planning & registration, and academic difficulties (e.g. Eagle Alert, probation, ineligible to return).
Common student questions
- I need help choosing a major, where should I start?
- When do I have to declare a major?
- What careers are associated with a major in …..?
- I need assistance changing my schedule.
- How do I “Drop/Withdraw” from a class?
- I am struggling in a class. What are my options for help?
- How do I transfer coursework to UWL?
If you have questions like those above, please contact the Academic Advising Center & Career Services at 608.785.6950 or by email at
Contact information
Academic Advising Center
- Phone: 608.785.6950
- Email:
- Office Location: 1140 Centennial Hall
Resources and links
For more information regarding the academic advising, visit the Academic Advising Center's webpage.
Visit the Major & Career Exploration webpage for helpful tips during your time at UWL.
Career planning
Career Services seeks to help students identify, prepare for and explore career opportunities through internships, full time jobs, graduate school and employer interactions.
Common student questions
- What can I do with a major in?
- How do I find internship opportunities? Or full-time job opportunities after graduation?
- Can I get academic credit for an internship?
- Can you help with resumes, cover letters and interviewing?
- Can you help me find a full-time job or help me explore graduate/professional schools?
The answers to all of those questions is, yes! Career Services has Career Advisors to help you along the process. If you have questions like those above, please contact the Academic Advising Center & Career Services at 608-785-8514 or by email at
Policies and procedures
If you are interested in an internship, we would encourage you to talk with your academic advisor early in your UWL career about how it fits into your academic plan.
Contact information
Career Services
- Phone: 608-785-8514
- Email:
- Office Location: 1140 Centennial Hall
Resources and links
For more information, please visit the Career Services webpage.
The ACCESS Center
The ACCESS Center provides service to students attending UW-La Crosse who have a documented disability. The ACCESS Center staff will meet with students and – based on documentation – determine appropriate academic accommodations to help you accomplish your academic goals and give you the support you need through graduation. If you have a a documented physical, sensory, psychological, or learning disability that is challenging you, get the support and assistance you deserve to help make the most of your education and campus life activities.
Common student questions
- How do I get started with services in The ACCESS Center?
- What kind of documentation do I need to provide?
- If I register with The ACCESS Center, do I have to use accommodations?
- I don’t know if I have a disability, but I am struggling in school. How can I get some help?
- Will there be something on my transcript showing that I used accommodations?
If you have questions like those above, or related questions about The ACCESS Center, please see our website at or contact the office at 608-785-6900 or by email at
Policies and procedures
- Registering with The ACCESS Center
- Discuss any questions you have about our office or services with an ACCESS Center advisor either by phone or in person.
- Complete an online New Student Registration using ACCESS Connect at
- Submit your documentation. Upload, fax, email, or hand-deliver documentation about your disability from your school, doctor, or mental health provider.
Contact information
- Phone: 608-785-6900
- Email:
- Office location: 165 Murphy Library
Research and Resource Center for Campus Climate
In order to thrive at UWL, students have the right to a welcoming, inclusive and safe environment where the experiences and perspectives of all are valued. The Research & Resource Center for Campus Climate fosters dialogue, respect, critical thinking, personal growth and social action to strengthen understanding and the potential of bridging cultures across difference. Campus Climate includes the Hate Response Team, which is comprised of professionals from across campus who come together to support the individual and collective impacted by hate, appropriately address all incidents of hate/bias, and educate the greater campus on how to be upstanders.
Common student questions
- What is a hate/bias incident?
- What’s the difference between a hate crime and a hate/bias incident?
- What about free speech?
- Why should I report hate/bias?
- What should I do if I experience or witness hate/bias?
- Can I report if the incident happened off campus?
- What happens when I report a hate/bias incident?
- What if I just want to talk to someone?
- How can I help raise awareness?
If you have questions like those listed, or related questions on policies and procedures regarding discrimination, hate, and bias, please contact Campus Climate at 608-785-5094 or by emailing
Contact Information
Research & Resource Center for Campus Climate
- Phone: 608-785-5094
- Email:
- Office location: 1120 Centennial Hall
Resources and links
To report Hate/Bias at UWL, please visit our website.
To find out more about the Research & Resource Center for Campus Climate, visit this webpage.
To learn more about UWL's Hate Response Team, visit this website.
LGBTQ+ Students
Pride Center
Our Center seeks to provide ample educational opportunities and resources for UWL's students, faculty & staff including ally workshops, trainings, clubs, panels, books, documentaries, speakers, & student-led programs on current issues in our community.
Our Mission Statement: The Pride Center shall foster a safer environment for all LGBTQ+ students, faculty, and staff, educate the campus and community on issues, and advocate for student success and inclusivity.
Common student questions
- I heard that UWL has a Pride Center where is it and can anyone go there?
Does UWL have gender inclusive housing and bathrooms? - Does UWL have a Gender Studies Major?
- I was a part of my high school’s Gender & Sexual Alliance Club is there anything similar here?
- Can I use my preferred name for my email, class rooster, in my residence hall, and on my student I.D.?
- What can I do if I am a victim of a hate or bias incident because of my sexual orientation or gender identity?
- I am questioning my gender identity or sexual orientation and I want to talk to a student like me where can I go?
Many of the answers to these questions can be answered by visiting the Pride Center, the Pride Center web page, or contacting the Pride Center Staff or Director, Will Van Roosenbeek ( or 608-785-8887.)
Policies and procedures
Preferred Name Policy
UWL recognizes that many of its students, faculty and staff may use names other than their legal names to identify themselves. It is the policy of the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse that any faculty, staff, or student may choose to identify themselves within the university community with a preferred first and/or middle name that differs from their legal name.
As long as the use of the preferred first and/or middle name is not for the purpose of misrepresentation, it will appear instead of the person’s legal name in UWL related systems and documents except where the use of the legal name is required by university business or legal need.
Please visit the Records and Registration's webpage regarding the preferred name policy here.
Contact information
- Phone: 608-785-8887
- Email:;
- Office Location: Student Union, The COVE, 2214, 2216 & 2218
Resources & links
Please visit the Pride Center's webpage.
Follow us on Facebook to keep up with upcoming events!
For more information about LGBTQ resources in the Coulee Region, please visit The Center: 7 Rivers LGBTQ Connection's webpage.
For more information about the Consortium of Higher Education LGBT Resource Professionals, please visit their webpage.
Living on campus
The Office of Residence Life works to enhance each students’ college experience by providing safe, affordable, clean, and visually appealing residence halls. At UWL students are not just tenets living in rooms. All of the staff in Residence Life work to provide a space to promote inclusivity, an academic focused environment, and student development. While living in the residence halls students have opportunities to attend social events, engage in educational opportunities, and stretch outside their comfort zone by joining leadership initiatives within residence life.
We look forward to providing opportunities for students to engage at UWL outside the classroom. Leadership opportunities include applying to be a core team member, desk assistant, assistant housekeeper, a SEED (Students Educating and Embracing Diversity), resident assistant, desk coordinator, The Embassy, National Residence Hall Honorary, and developing a Link. If you are interested in any of these opportunities reach out to your hall director!
Common Student Questions
The Office of Residence Life is a BIG department, but everyone is excited to help you find the answers you are looking for. Below are some examples of questions and who you can start with to find answers. If they don’t have an answer they will find out who does!
If you want to know…
- What are the hours at Whitney?
- Can we plan a super bowl event for everyone in the community?
- How do we paint murals in the community?
- How do you log into D2L?
- I want to apply to be a leader in the hall. How should I do that?
... ask your Resident Assistant!
- Role: Undergraduate students living in your community
- Best way to contact them: Email or stop by their room
If you want to know…
- I am really struggling at UWL. What should I do?
- I was just documented for a policy violation, what happens next?
- I really don’t like my roommate. I have talked to them and my RA about it, but it hasn’t improved. What do I do?
- I want to apply to be a leader in the hall. How should I do that?
... ask your Hall Director!
- Role: Master’s level professionals that live in your hall
- Best way to contact them: Email or stop by their office during office hours
If you want to know…
- I need to cancel my housing contract next semester what are my next steps?
- When will I be charged for my room and board?
- The Embassy looks really cool. How do I get involved?
- Who is my hall director’s supervisor?
... contact the Office of Residence Life Staff
- Role: Professional Staff that work in the Office of Residence Life Monday – Friday 8:00am – 4:00pm. Office Staff, Coordinators, Assistant Directors, and Directors
- Best way to contact them: Call 608.785.8075 or email
Policies & Procedures
When you sign the contract to live on campus you agree to the Residence Life Policies and Procedures. All Residence Life Policies and Procedures can be found at:
Questions or concerns regarding policies or procedures can be directed to your Resident Assistant, Hall Director, or Office of Residence Life Staff.
Contact Information
Office of Residence Life
- Phone: 608.785.8075
- Email:
Hall Director & Assistant Hall Director
- For Hall Director or Assistant Hall Director information, please visit our contact page!
- All Hall Directors and Assistant Hall Directors have offices located in their designated buildings
Resources and Links
We highly encourage you to become familiar and regularly check in on the Office of Residence Life webpage. We keep the website updated with announcements, events, and important links to ensure you are meeting housing deadlines!
Promoting wellness at UWL
Expanding boxes
Wellness Resource Center
Wellness and Health Advocacy provides students with culturally competent health education and health promotion programming that supports and empowers students to make healthy choices and create lifelong habits that promote health and well-being across all dimensions. Wellness and Health Advocacy works collaboratively with many academic and administrative departments on campus and in the community to promote balanced lifestyles and to advocate for a healthy learning and living environment so that all students can achieve their full potential.
As each individual is unique, with different goals, values, strengths, and experiences, so too are their perceptions of and potentials for wellness. The goal of Wellness and Health Advocacy is to provide tools, education, guidance, and support, and to cultivate an environment in which the potential for health flourishes.
Common student questions
- What are common health concerns for students?
- What if I need additional services?
- Do wellness programs cost anything?
- Can I talk to someone about my substance use and sexual health without fear of judgement?
- How can I get help managing my stress levels?
- What are ways to be social and meet new people without partying?
If you have questions like those above or any questions regarding your health and wellbeing while at UW-L, please contact Wellness and Health Advocacy at 608-785-8062 or by email at
Policies and procedures
Responsible action policy: In order to encourage students to call for help if someone may be in danger from alcohol or drug use, Responsible Action protects the caller from Police citation and/or university discipline for alcohol-related offenses. For example, if an underage person is intoxicated from alcohol use, and calls 911 because a friend has passed out and is unresponsive after drinking too much, the caller will not get an underage drinking ticket if that person stays with the impaired individual, cooperates with responders, and follows through with programs deemed necessary by the Dean of Students office.
Contact information
- Student Life: Wellness and Health Advocacy
- Phone: 608-785-8062
- Email:
- Office Location: 149 Graff Main Hall
Resources and links
- For more information please visit the Wellness Resource Center's webpage!
Counseling and Testing
The mission of the UWL Counseling & Testing Center (CTC) is to promote students’ emotional, academic, social, and cultural growth through counseling, crisis intervention, and outreach within an atmosphere of confidentiality and inclusivity. To meet the needs of UWL and the region, we provide comprehensive testing services that adhere to nationally recognized standards.
The CTC provides client-centered mental health and academic skills services to our UWL campus community. The philosophy of the CTC is derived from a strengths-based, student-centered, and developmental approach. Our clinicians promote growth by assisting clients in identifying their personal strengths and resources, as well as the resources that are available in their support network in the greater campus and surrounding community. Clinicians also focus on enhancing the client’s ability to make decisions and developing their ability to resolve difficulties in their lives. The CTC has an ongoing commitment to recognizing and valuing the needs of a diverse population within a university setting.
Common student questions
- I’m not sure if I need counseling – how do I know?
- What types of services does the CTC provide?
- What do services at the CTC cost?
- I think I need to talk with a counselor – how do I get started?
- What if I am in crisis?
- Will you tell my parents that I am in counseling?
- What is group counseling all about?
- I’m concerned about a friend. What should I do?
- I need help with study skills – how do I get started?
- How do I register to take the PRAXIS, GRE, TOEFL, etc.?
If you have questions like those above, please check out our website at this webpage. You can also contact the Counseling & Testing Center at 608.785.8073 or stop in 2106 Centennial.
Contact information
Counseling and Testing Center
- Phone: 608.785.8073
- Office Location: 2106 Centennial
Resources and links
Visit this webpage for self-help resources from the Counseling and Testing Center.
For a list of other resources from the Counseling and Testing Center, please visit this webpage.
Recreation Center
UWL students study hard, work hard and play hard! Once you put down your books, check out what the Rec Sports Department has to offer. We have programs and facilities designed to help you stay active, meet new friends and reduce your stress levels. We also employ over 250 students every year who have the opportunity to provide positive recreation experiences for students, faculty, staff and community members while developing skills such as teamwork, communication, time management, organization, and conflict resolution while having FUN!
Common student questions
- What is the REC (Recreational Eagle Center)?
- Does it cost to use the REC?
- Do I have to bring my own equipment to the REC?
- Do I need my ID?
- Is there a pool on campus?
- Is there a place to lift weights in the REC?
- Can I get a tour of the REC?
- How do I join an intramural team?
- How do I sign up for a group fitness class?
- What are sport clubs, what sports do you offer and how do I join?
- What kind of outdoor equipment do you rent?
- Is there a climbing wall in the REC?
- Can I bring a friend who is not a UWL student?
- Can I reserve a space in the REC?
- How do I get a job at the REC?
- Are there lockers in the REC that I can use?
- When are you open?
If you have questions like those above, or related questions to campus recreation, please stop by the REC, call us at 608-785-5225 or visit the Recreational Sports webpage.
Policies & procedures
Student memberships to the REC are included in your student fees and are based on term(s) of enrollment. You must be paying student fees and enrolled in a minimum of 1 (one) credit to gain access (exception: summer and winter session). Daily guest passes can be purchased for $8 and require a current UWL student sponsor. Students must present their UWL ID to gain access to the REC.
Contact information
Recreational Sports Departments
- Phone: 608-785-5225
- Email:
- Office Location: 130 Recreational Eagle Center
Resources and links
Visit this webpage for more information regarding Rec hours.
Learn more about the Rec Sports climbing wall by visiting this webpage.
Learn more about employment opportunities by visiting this webpage.
Interested in group fitness classes? Visit our group fitness classes webpage.
For more information about Intramural Sports, visit this webpage.
Want a personal trainer? Learn more at this webpage.
Want to incorporate swimming or other water recreation in your routine? Visit the pool webpage.
Want to reserve a space through Rec Sports? Visit this webpage to learn more.
Learn more about Rec Sports Special Events by visiting this webpage.
Get more information about our Sports Club at this webpage.
Learn more about our Strength (Fitness) Center at this webpage.
For more information about Trip Offerings with Rec Sports, visit this webpage.
Student Health Center
The Student Health Center is dedicated to providing cost-effective, evidence-based, student-centered healthcare that promotes wellness and academic success in an atmosphere of kindness, inclusivity and respect.
All currently enrolled UWL or Western students who’ve paid the Health Center User Fee are eligible to use the Health Center. We provide acute care, urgent care, consultations, referrals, allergy injections, gynecological and reproductive services, sexually transmitted infections testing, immunizations, laboratory services, LGBTQ+ health and sexuality services, medical evaluation and treatment, physical therapy, and much more!
Common Student Questions
- Who can use the Student Health Center?
- How much does it cost to use the Student Health Center?
- Do I need an appointment to us the Student Health Center?
- What should I bring to my appointment?
- What about health insurance?
- How do I fill/refill a medication prescription?
- What should I do for healthcare when the Student Health Center is closed?
For answers to these questions and many more, please visit the Student Health Center webpage.
Policies & Procedures
- Student Health Center Policy on Appointment Cancellations and “No Shows”
- Policy on MMR & Varicella Titers
- Policy on Personal Health Information Privacy
- Policy on Providing Letters for Emotional Support Animals
- Policy on Providing Medical Excuses
- Policy on Scheduling Appointments for ADD/ADHD
Contact Information
- Phone Number: 608-785-8558
- Fax Number: 608-785-8746
- Email Address:
- Office location: Health Science Center, Suite 1030, 1300 Badger Street
Resources and Links
Sexual assault and harassment
Expanding boxes
Equity and Affirmative Action
The Equity and Affirmative Action office oversees UWL’s policies against discrimination, harassment, sexual misconduct, and retaliation; we work in coordination with Student Life to ensure that students who experience any of these things receive the support they need. We also work with the ACCESS Center to ensure that students with disabilities have the support and accommodations they are entitled to.
Common student questions
- Where should I go if I, or someone I know, is sexually assaulted or experiences some other form of sexual misconduct?
- What I feel I have been treated unfairly or harassed because of my race, ethnicity, religion, disability, sexual orientation, etc.?
Sexual misconduct
A good starting point is Ingrid Peterson, the Violence Prevention Specialist in Student Life, who can provide confidential support and advice. The Counseling & Testing Center and the Student Health Center can also serve as a confidential resource.
You have the right to file a police report and to file an official complaint with the university. Complaints against students will be handled by Student Life, and complaints against UWL employees will be handled by Affirmative Action.
Discrimination and/or harrassment
You are invited to contact Student Life or Affirmative Action. We will work together to provide the support and recourse. Everyone at UWL has an equal right to a safe learning environment.
Policies & procedures
Visit the UWL Policy Against Discrimination, Harassment, Sexual Misconduct, and Retaliation webpage.
Contact information
Affirmative Action
- Phone: 608-785-8541
- Email:
- Office Location: 131 Graff Main Hall
- Website:
Student Life
- Phone: 608-785-8062
- Email:
- Office Location: 149 Graff Main Hall
Violence Prevention
UWL prohibits all forms of sexual misconduct, including sexual assault/rape, sexual violence, domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, sexual harassment, and/or discrimination based on gender identity or sexual orientation.
UWL is committed to preventing and responding to sexual misconduct in order to ensure a safe and equitable educational environment for all. We do so in compliance with Title IX and other federal and state laws, and in keeping with UWL's mission to provide "a challenging, dynamic, and diverse learning environment in which the entire university community is fully engaged in supporting student success."
The Student Life Violence Prevention Specialist is available to assist you with advocacy, information, and support, so that you can make informed choices about the options available to you in these situations. Services are free, confidential, and available to all UWL students, faculty, and/or staff members, visit the Violence Prevention webpage here.
Common student questions
- What are my options following a sexual assault?
- How can I report any type of sexual misconduct?
- What happens once an assault is reported?
- How can I help someone who has been sexually assaulted?
- How can I apply for a restraining order?
To get answers to questions like these, learn more about UWL policies and procedures regarding sexual misconduct, and get additional resources, visit UWL's sexual misconduct webpage here or the Violence Prevention webpage here.
Contact information
- Phone: (608)785-8062
- Email:
- Office Location: Student Life Office, 149 Graff Main Hall
Resources and links
In addition to advocacy, the Violence Prevention Specialist is available to provide education and training on campus. To learn more and view upcoming events, visit the Violence Prevention webpage here.
Student code of conduct
The student code of conduct is designed to help ensure a positive learning environment for all students at UWL. Students are held accountable for their academic and non-academic misconduct utilizing Wisconsin State Statute (UWS 14, 17, & 18), Office of Residence Life policy, University Police, and in coordination with other campus policies. At UWL, the misconduct process is rooted in Fairness, Accountability, and Compassion for Everyone (FACE). Through education, we believe the Student Code of Conduct can help students thrive at UWL.
The Student Life Office coordinates the conduct process for misconduct occurring outside of the Residence Halls, while the Office of Residence Life coordinates adjudication inside of the Residence Halls. The Student Life Office and the Office of Residence Life work together with severe or repeated violations of the Student Code of Conduct.
Common student questions
- What should I do if I get caught cheating on a test/paper?
- What happens if I get an underage drinking ticket off campus?
- I received a letter from the Student Life Office to schedule a meeting time and am not sure why?
- I already have to go to court, do I still need to go through the nonacademic misconduct process?
- Where should I go if I have questions about the Student Code of Conduct?
- I would like to appeal my academic or nonacademic conduct decision, what should I do?
If you have questions like those above, or related questions to the Student Code of Conduct, please contact the Student Life Office at 608-785-8062 or by email at
Policies & procedures
Academic Misconduct
Chapter UWS 14 provides guidance for academic misconduct including plagiarism and cheating. At UWL, typically instructors will initiate communication with the student when academic misconduct is suspected. For more information, visit Chapter UWS 14 link below and/or contact the Student Life Office for questions.
Nonacademic Misconduct
Chapter UWS 17 provides guidance for any nonacademic misconduct for students in the Universities of Wisconsin. This includes students at UWL and provides universities opportunities to hold students accountable and provide educational opportunities through the Student Life Office. To learn more about UWS 17, visit the link below:
Chapter UWS 18 is utilized for nonacademic misconduct that occurs on university lands. If misconduct occurs on campus, students should expect to see charges from both UWS 17 and 18. UWS 18 is also utilized by University Policy for conduct that occurs on campus. For more information, see the link below:
Contact information
Student Life Office
- Phone: 608-785-8062
- Email:
- Office location: 149 Graff Main Hall
Resources and Links
Student engagement (The COVE)
The COVE stands for The Center for Organizations, Vision, & Engagement. We are your campus Student Organization & Leadership Hub! Looking to make friends or get involved? UWL has over 200 Student Organizations for you to explore, and regardless of your interests, we have a little bit of everything for you to choose from!
We believe that being involved in your campus community outside of the classroom setting is an opportunity that all students should explore! Involvement can better enhance your leadership skills, networking opportunities, and your overall college experience.
We want students to feel as though they are welcome in the COVE and can come in, ask questions, and explore! If you are looking for ways to get involved at UWL, The COVE is the place to be! We are located on the second floor of the Student Union (2200), so stop by and check us out!
Other entities in the COVE include:
- Leadership and Involvement Center (LIC)
- Cove Graphics Garage
- Green Fund - Campus Sustainability
- Fraternity and Sorority Life (FSL)
- Campus Activities Board (CAB)
- Student Association
- The Racquet Press - The Student Newspaper
- Several Multicultural Student Organizations
- The Campus Food Pantry
- Pride Center
MyOrgs is our Virtual Hub for all Student Organizations on campus. Through MyOrgs, you can find Student Organizations to join, and events to attend! Check out MyOrgs for the full list of organizations that you can get involved in during your time here as an Eagle!
For more information on how you can get involved, please contact us! We would love to hear from you!
Policies and Procedures
Below you will find important and frequently used policy information. Please note that this is not an exhaustive list of policies at UWL; however, it does represent policies and procedures that most frequently affect UWL students.
Policies and Procedures Boxes
Academic Policies
Academic policies at UWL can be found in UWL’s Catalog at this webpage.
For undergraduate students, you can find Academic Policies at this webpage.
- Some examples of policy areas include: academic eligibility, academic records, course information, fees, grading system, grading and credit policies, and final exams, graduation, registration, and withdrawal policies.
For graduate students, you can find Academic Policies at this webpage.
- Some examples of policy areas include: academic eligibility, academic records, course information, grading system and policies, graduation, registration, transferring, completion policies, and withdrawal policies.
For specific questions regarding the course catalog, please contact the Records and Registration Office by phone at 608-785-8951, by email at, or by coming to the office at 117 Graff Main Hall. You can visit the Records and Registration webpage here.
Alcohol Policies and Fines
Wisconsin State Statute
Per Wisconsin Statute 125.07(4) the consumption of alcohol is restricted to individuals who are 21 years of age or older.
This is strictly enforced by the University Police and the La Crosse Police Departments Sanctions are applied from UWL Residence Life and/or Student Life if students are found to have violated drug policies and/or laws. Information about fines can be found
UWS Chapters 17 and 18
- 17.09 (6) Illegal Use, Manufacture, Distribution of Alcohol or Controlled Substances
- 18.09 (1) Alcohol (a. Use/Possession b. Procuring/Selling/ Dispensing)
- 18.10 (2) Containers in Spectator Facilities
Residence Life Policies
The following activities are not permitted:
Under 21 years of age:
a) Possessing and/or consuming alcoholic beverages
- State law prohibits the possession or consumption of alcohol by persons under the age of 21.
b) Possessing or displaying empty alcohol containers
- Residents are not allowed to have empty alcohol containers, defined as: cans, bottles, caps boxes used for transportation, or items with alcohol residue.
21 years of age and older:
c) Providing alcoholic beverages to students under the age of 21
d) Transporting unconcealed alcoholic beverages and/or consuming alcoholic beverages in public areas within the residence halls
e) Having more than one open standard alcoholic beverage per of age occupant
f) Consuming alcohol in the presence of minors
- In the event one roommate is 21 years of age or older while the other is not, the resident who is of legal drinking age may consume alcohol in their room, but may not furnish alcoholic beverages to those under the age of 21. Guests who are of legal drinking age may consume alcohol only if the resident who is 21 years of age or older is present and if each individual of legal drinking age possesses only one alcoholic beverage (UW-La Crosse enforces the Wisconsin law of underage drinking).
Alcohol Policies Regardless of Age:
g) Hosting a gathering where alcohol is consumed and violates other alcohol policies
h) Participating in high-risk alcohol consumption. Examples include, but are not limited to:
- Kegs or significant amounts of alcohol.
- Beer pong, flip cup, and/or other drinking games.
- Inability to function without assistance, incoherent, disoriented, unconsciousness.
- Loss of control of bodily functions.
- Community disruption or endangering others.
i) Possessing devices to rapidly consume alcohol
- Residents are not allowed to have devices used to rapidly consume alcohol (beer bongs, funnels, etc.).
Residence Life does honor UWL's Responsible Action Policy which encourages students to report medical emergencies.
Responsible Action Policy
On college campuses there is a significant trend of students choosing not report medical emergencies due to fear of repercussions received from being caught underage drinking.
What is Responsible Action?
In order to encourage students to call for help if someone may be in danger from alcohol or drug use, Responsible Action protects the caller from Police citation and/or university discipline for alcohol-related offenses. For example, if an underage person is intoxicated from alcohol use, and calls 911 because a friend has passed out and is unresponsive after drinking too much, the caller will not get an underage drinking ticket if that person stays with the impaired individual, cooperates with responders, and follows through with programs deemed necessary by the Dean of Students office.
At its core, Responsible Action seeks to encourage students to call for emergency medical assistance by providing immunity from police citation and university discipline for alcohol-related offenses. This policy has been instituted at University of Wisconsin – La Crosse as a result of an active collaboration between the Office of Student Life, University Police, and the Student Association. This policy is currently active, starting with the 2014-2015 academic year.
How does it Work?
This policy applies only to disciplinary actions related to the caller’s personal consumption of alcohol. They do not apply to supplying of alcohol, use or possession of other drugs illegally, or other crimes, and they may not apply to students involved in repeated violations of university alcohol policies. Failure to attend any required educational program may result in issuance of a citation or additional judicial consequences.
1. Victims of Crime – In cases where a student believes they have been a victim of a sexual assault and/or violent crime while under the influence of alcohol, the university will not pursue disciplinary action against the student for his or her improper use of alcohol. Students are strongly encouraged to utilize university resources and assistance if they believe they are the victims of a crime.
2. Person in Need of Medical Attention – When a student requires emergency evaluation and/or treatment at a medical facility for an overdose of alcohol, that student, as part of a disciplinary response, may be required to complete an alcohol education program through the University. In addition, a parent/guardian may be contacted after repeated calls for emergency medical assistance from a single student showing a pattern of risky behavior at the discretion of the Dean of Students.
3. Caller – When a student calls on behalf of an individual who requires emergency evaluation, the caller will not be subject to disciplinary actions from the university if the following conditions are met:
- Caller must remain with the impaired individual until assistance arrives.
- Caller must be completely cooperative with emergency responders.
- Caller must complete any programs deemed necessary by the Dean of Student’s Office.
4. Student Organizations – Representatives of a student organization hosting an event is expected to call for assistance if they become aware of an emergency. Failure to do so will be considered an aggravating circumstance and be factored into any decision making regarding further disciplinary action.
Why was this Developed?
- In the International Journal of Drug Policy, a 2006 study by Cornell University found that emergency calls increased after their own Responsible Action policy was implemented even though rates of drinking remained constant.
- Fear of police involvement is the most common reason for not calling 911 during an overdose. After the policy was implemented at Cornell, students were much less likely to report this as a barrier to calling for help.
- Students who are aware that a Responsible Action policy is in effect are 2.5 times more likely than students who expect to face disciplinary actions to call for help when they see a medical emergency.
- After the state of Washington implemented a Responsible Action policy, 88% indicated that they were more likely to call 911 during future overdoes.
Questions or Comments?
If you have any questions regarding this policy- including how it functions or any additional comments, please feel free to email our Wellness Coordinator at
Alcohol Related Fines
Common on-campus violations often involving alcohol and Subsequent Fines per state statutes:
Underage Alcohol Violation | $263.50 |
2nd offense | $389.50 |
3rd offense | $515.50 |
4th offense | $767.50 |
False Identification | $525.50 |
Purchasing Intoxicants (17-20 yrs)* | $425.50 |
2nd offense | $515.50 |
3rd offense | $769.50 |
4th offense | $1,082.50 |
Driving under the influence | $937.50 |
Resisting a Police Officer | $452.50 |
Giving false information to an Officer | $452.50 |
Obstructing a Police Officer | $452.50 |
Disorderly Conduct | $295.00 |
Vandalism | $263.50 |
False Fire Alarm | $263.50 |
Tampering with Detector | $326.50 |
Littering | $200.50 |
Petty Theft under $100 | $295.50 |
Improper Use of UWL I.D. | $200.50 |
Weapon Possession | $515.50 |
*Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, Marijuana, and consumption/possession of alcohol are mandatory court appearances
In addition, students who are cited for the following violations by the La Crosse Police Department off-campus are subject to city ordinance fines:
Underage Alcohol Consumption | $250.00 |
2nd offense | $407.50 |
3rd offense | $565.00 |
4th offense | $691.00 |
5th offense | $817.00 |
Furnishing Alcohol to Minors | $313.00 |
Keg Registration Violations | $1,321.00 |
Selling Alcohol w/out a license | $1,636.00 |
Possession of Marijuana/Paraphernalia | $338.20 |
Excessive Noise | $124.00 |
Disorderly Conduct | $187.00 |
Public Consumption | $124.00 |
Public Intoxication | $250.00 |
Equity and Affirmative Action Policies and Procedures
For more information regarding policies and procedures managed affecting Equity and Affirmative Action, please visit the Policies and Procedures webpage.
Please visit the Equity and Affirmative Action’s Discrimination webpage for UWL’s nondiscrimination statement, procedures for grievances and hate/bias incident reporting.
Please visit Equity and Affirmative Action’s Sexual Misconduct webpage for more information regarding Title IX.
Information about UWL’s policies and guidelines about Individuals with Disabilities can be found at this webpage.
If you have any questions, please contact Equity and Affirmative Action by phone at 608-785-8541 or by email at
Faculty or Course Grievances
Informal Complaints:
If a student has a concern or a complaint about a faculty member or course, the general process for making informal complaints is outlined in steps 1-3 below. Students are welcome to bring a friend or a UWL staff member with them during the following steps. Students who report concerns/complaints/grievances, whether informally or formally, will be protected from retaliation and have the right to expect an investigation and the option to have regular updates on the investigation:
- The student should speak directly to the instructor.
- If the student is uncomfortable speaking with the instructor, or they are unsatisfied with the solution, they should go to the chair of the faculty member’s home department.
- If the student is uncomfortable speaking with the department chair, or the chair is the faculty member in question, or they are unsatisfied with the solution, the student should speak with their college dean.
Depending on the specifics of the student's concern, it may be helpful for them to reach out to additional offices:
- Complaints/concerns/grievances about grades, teaching performance, course requirements, course content, incivility, or professional ethics should follow the process outlined above. Students may also wish to seek support from the Student Life office.
- Complaints/concerns/grievances related to hate/bias and discrimination may follow the process outlined above, and in addition or instead students may contact the Center for Transformative Justice office and/or submit a hate/bias incident report.
- Complaints/concerns/grievances related to sexual misconduct may begin with the process outlined above, but will also need to involve the Office of Title IX. Students should know that faculty members are mandatory reporters of sexual misconduct, but that confidential resources, including Violence Prevention are available to them.
Formal Complaints:
If the student is unsatisfied with the solution of their informal complaint, they have the right to file a formal institutional complaint with the Student Life office, as described below under Institutional Complaint Process.
What is the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)?
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974 is a Federal law that protects the privacy of student education records.
FERPA identifies the rights of students and their families with respect to student educational records kept by institutions.
What are education records?
Education records are any record maintained by the university which is directly related to the student, such as individually identifiable transcript information.
Some exceptions include:
- “Sole possession” records made by faculty and staff for their own use as reference and not shared with others
- Personal observations
- Employment records if the employment is not contingent on the fact that the employee is a student, and the record is used only in relationship to that individual’s employment.
- Police services records if the record is maintained solely for law enforcement purposes and revealed only to law enforcement agencies of the same jurisdiction.
- Health Center records if the records relate only to treatment of the student.
- Alumni records that contain information about a student after the student is no longer in attendance at the University and that do not relate to the person as a student.
What information can be released about a student? (Disclosure of Education Records Policy)
UW-La Crosse will disclose information from a student’s education records only with the written consent of the student, except:
1. To school officials who have a legitimate educational interest in the records.
A school official is:
- A person employed by UW-La Crosse in an administrative, supervisory, academic, research, support staff position, or a student assisting an employee of the university.
- A person employed by or under contract to the university to perform a special task, such as the attorney or auditor.
- A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official is:
- Performing a task that is specified in his or her position description or by a contract agreement.
- Performing a task related to a student’s education.
- Performing a task related to the discipline of a student.
- Conducting research that benefits students and/or the University
Note: A college or university is required to specify the criteria for school officials and for legitimate educational interests.
2. To certain officials of the U.S. Department of Education, the Comptroller General, and state and local educational authorities, in connection with certain state or federally supported education programs.
3. To organizations conducting certain studies for or on behalf of the university.
4. To accrediting organizations to carry out their functions.
5. To comply with a judicial order or a lawfully issued subpoena.
6. To appropriate parties in a health or safety emergency.
7. To an alleged victim of any crime of violence the results of any institutional disciplinary proceeding against the alleged perpetrator of that crime with respect to that crime.
How does FERPA apply to students?
Some of the rights of students under FERPA include:
- Right to inspect and review education records.
- Right to provide guidelines for the correction of inaccurate or misleading information in the record through informal and formal hearings.
- Right to file complaints with the FERPA Office concerning alleged failures by the University to comply with the Act.
Under the right to inspect and review their education records, students may not view:
- Parent’s financial records, even though the student may have provided them.
- Letters of recommendation that the student has waived the right to access.
- Portions of records that pertain to other students.
- Records connected with an application to attend any component of UWL if that application was denied.
It is important to note that the FERPA rights transfer from the parent to the student when the student turns 18 or when the student begins attending a postsecondary institution, regardless of age. Students can grant guest access to specific individuals to their WINGS (student information) accounts.
How does FERPA apply to parents?
When the student reaches the age of 18 or begins attending a postsecondary institution, regardless of age, FERPA rights transfer from the parent to the student.
Students may grant access to their WINGS account to “guest users,” including parents. Students can control what the guest users see and do, including viewing class schedules and grades and viewing financial aid information and pay bills. The process for doing so is linked here.
If I'm a student, do I need to do anything to protect my information? (Directory Information Policy)
Students are notified annually of their rights under FERPA through an email from the Office of Student Life, in the academic catalog, and in the student handbook.
Directory Information Policy
Students have the right to restrict their directory information under FERPA. Directory information is that information that is designated as public by the university, and it can be released by the institution for any purpose, at its discretion.
Students can use WINGS to restrict their directory information at any point. The student can also decide which elements of directory information to restrict.
The following data elements are considered directory information at UWL:
- Name(s)
- Local and home addresses
- Local and home telephone numbers
- UWL email address
- School/college
- Full-time or part-time enrollment
- Academic level (first year, sophomore, junior, senior)
- Previous institution(s) attended
- Past and present participation in officially recognized sports and activities
- Physical factors (height, weight for athletes)
- Major/minor field of study
- Awards and honors (such as Dean’s List)
- Expected graduation date
- Degree(s) conferred
- Date of degree conferral
If the student chooses to restrict some or all of their directory information, some university processes may be affected:
- Student name/address may be excluded from the UWL online directory.
- Verification of enrollment, graduation, or degrees awarded may not be provided to third parties, including potential employers and insurance companies.
- Student name may not appear in the commencement program.
- Dean’s List and graduation notifications may not be sent to local newspapers.
In addition to student data elements, UWL has designated photographs and video that are taken of students on campus and at university-sponsored activities as information that may appear in university publications, brochures, websites, social media, etc., without the written consent of students.
FERPA Quick Guide
Download the FERPA: Quick Guide for Faculty and Staff.
**Adopted from Pennsylvania State University FERPA website**
Financial Aid Policies
UWL’s Office of Financial Aid has the below policies:
- Code of Conduct policy
- Consortium agreements
- Consumer information
- General eligibility requirements
- Information Release policy
- NCAA and Financial Aid
- Preferred lender list
- Preparatory coursework
- Repeat Credits policy
- Return of Federal Financial Aid Funds policy
- Satisfactory Academic Progress policy
- Statement of ethical principles
- Student rights and responsibilities
- Unofficial withdrawal policy
- Residency Appeals
If you have any questions, feel free to contact the Office of Financial Aid by phone at 608-785-8604, by email at, or by coming to the office in 215 Graff Main Hall. You can also visit the Office of Financial Aid’s webpage here.
Institutional Complaint Process
Students can file formal institutional complaints with UWL.
Only formal, written complaints, signed by a student or sent through the student's official UW-L email, and addressed to the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs/Dean of Students will be accepted as Official Complaints. In the complaint, it will be necessary for the student to demonstrate that they have already attempted and not achieved resolution through other University procedures as documented in the Student Handbook.
For more information regarding Institutional Student Complaints please visit this webpage.
Sexual Misconduct
UWL is committed to preventing and responding to sexual misconduct in order to ensure a safe and equitable educational environment for all.
Policies that apply to various forms of sexual misconduct in the context of UWL programs and activities can be found at UWL’s Sexual Misconduct’s website at the Learn More: Policies tab here.
The Sexual Misconduct Definitions webpage, provides more specific information regarding the definitions of sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, stalking, and retaliation.
Information for Faculty and Staff can be found at this webpage.
To talk with a confidential source, please contact UWL’s Violence Prevention specialist or any of our confidential resources found at this webpage.
Student Code of Conduct
Residence Life Code of Conduct and Policies
When you sign the contract to live on campus you agree to the Residence Life Policies and Procedures. All Residence Life Policies and Procedures can be found at:
For the 2018-2019 Contract please see this PDF.
Questions or concerns regarding policies or procedures can be directed to your Resident Assistant, Hall Director, or Office of Residence Life Staff.
Universities of Wisconsin Student Code of Conduct
All students within the Universities of Wisconsin are held accountable utilizing UWS Chapters 14, 17, and 18. Specifically, these codes govern academic and non-academic conduct and outline student rights and responsibilities. Links provided go directly to the State of Wisconsin Administrative Codes website.
Academic Misconduct
Chapter UWS 14 provides guidance for academic misconduct including plagiarism and cheating. At UWL, typically instructors will initiate communication with the student when academic misconduct is suspected. For more information, visit Chapter UWS 14 link below and/or contact the Student Life Office for questions.
Nonacademic Misconduct
Chapter UWS 17 provides guidance for any nonacademic misconduct for students in the Universities of Wisconsin. This includes students at UWL and provides universities opportunities to hold students accountable and provide educational opportunities through the Student Life Office. To learn more about UWS 17, visit the link below:
Chapter UWS 18 is utilized for nonacademic misconduct that occurs on university lands. If misconduct occurs on campus, students should expect to see charges from both UWS 17 and 18. UWS 18 is also utilized by University Policy for conduct that occurs on campus. For more information, see the link below:
Questions regarding UWS Chapters 14, 17, or 18 can be directed to the Student Life Office, 149 Graff Main Hall, 608.785.8062,
Student Employment
If you are a student employee, there are policies you must follow:
- For information regarding Employment Eligibility, please visit this site.
- For information about your Federal Work-Study award, please visit this site.
- For information about Human Resources onboarding, please visit this site.
- Information about Getting Paid can be found here.
All student employees must be informed about the following:
- Emergency response plan
- Executive Order #54 - Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse and Neglect & UW-La Crosse Policy
- FERPA - Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
Other Policies:
Student Organization Policies and Procedures
Information about Student Organization resources, policies and procedures can be found at The COVE webpage. The COVE stands for the Center for Organizations, Vision, and Engagement. They are your campus Student Organization and Leadership Hub. They are located on the second floor of the Student Union.
Specific resources and policies affected Student Organizations include:
- COVE Conference Room Reservations
- Film & Copyright Information
- Fundraising & Event Funding Assistance
- Mass Email Policy
- Publicity on Campus
- Trademark & Licensing
- Window Painting
- COVE Chalk Calendar
If you have any questions please visit the COVE at 2200 Student Union, by calling 608-785-8866, or by emailing
FERPA: Authorization to Release Information Form
Medical Withdrawal Healthcare Provider Form
Health Care Provider Letter Requirements.pdf
For more information regarding the Medical Withdrawal Process, please contact the Student Life Office at 608-785-8062.
Leaving UWL, "Spreading your UWL Eagle wings!"
Withdrawing from UWL
Withdrawal from the university is a matter of major importance. Students considering withdrawal from the university should discuss the matter with an academic advisor, program director, and/or dean prior to initiating action. The office date of withdrawal from all classes will be recorded on the permanent academic record if the student withdraws after classes begin.
The University uses the term withdraw to formally indicate that a student has dropped or will drop all courses for a given tern. Withdrawing from the university differs from dropping one or several classes within a given term, because as long as a student retains at least one class, the student is still considered to be registered for the semester. To start the withdrawal process a student must meet with staff in the Student Life Office.
Common Student Questions
- I am unsure of what I want to do with my degree and am not sure if UWL is the right place for me, should I withdraw?
- I don’t think I am going along the correct career path, should I withdraw to take some time to think about it?
- I am struggling paying for school and am I don’t think I can afford school this semester, should I withdraw?
- Who should I talk to when making the decision to withdraw?
- What offices should I expect charges from after withdrawing from the university?
- How will my tuition be affected if I withdraw?
- How will my transcript be noted for the semester I am choosing to withdraw?
These are all really important questions to consider before withdrawing from the university. Please visit the Student Life Office by scheduling an appointment at 608-785-8062 or by email at
Policies & Procedures
As soon as you indicate your decision to withdraw from the university Student Life staff will indicate your effective date of withdrawal. The date of withdrawal will determine how tuition will be affected, how other charges are affected, and how your transcript is recorded. Please note that after certain point in the semester you will be unable to withdraw from the university.
For information regarding dates and how they affect your withdrawal and transcript, please visit the Records and Registration dates and deadlines page.
For information regarding how your tuition is affected by your withdrawal date, please visit the Cashier’s Office’s refund schedules page.
After you have initiated paperwork with the Student Life Office, you will be asked to offices around campus that may need to know about your decision to withdraw from the university. Student Life staff will be able to explain why these offices are part of the withdrawal process during your initiating meeting.
Contact Information
Student Life Office
- Phone Number: 608-785-8062
- Email Address:
- Office location: 149 Graff Main Hall
Resources and Links
Please visit the Student Life Office Withdrawal Page for more information regarding withdrawing from UWL.
If you are struggling about what to major in at UWL, staff at the Academic Advising Center would be a great place to start a conversation about options at UWL. Visit the Academic Advising Center’s website!
If you are unsure about a career path and how it may relate to your fielf of study, we recommend meeting with Career Services staff to discuss your concerns. Visit Career Service’s website.
If you are concerned about college affordability at UWL, one of the staff members in the Office for Financial Aid would be willing to meet with you and discuss some of your options regarding loans, scholarships, and grants. Visit the Office for Financial Aid’s website.
If you are looking to come back to UWL after withdrawing from the university, please visit the Re-entry Student Admissions page.
Expanding boxes
Medical withdrawal
UWL offers students who have experienced a significant medical condition, which has hindered their attendance or academic success, the opportunity to pursue a medical withdraw. Medical withdraws are considered up until the last day of classes and are initiated at the student life office. Students who are seeking a medical withdraw must initiate the process before the end of the semester in question. The medical withdraw process gives students the ability to withdraw from the university without academic penalty.
The medical withdraw process is a partnership between the university and a licensed healthcare provider in determining the need for a medical withdraw and how the student will use the time to seek treatment for the condition in question. Students who are considering a medical withdraw are highly encouraged to meet with Student Life staff as soon as possible to discuss options and the next steps in accordance with their situation. If a student is unable to meet with the Student Life Office a designated person (i.e. parent, spouse, sibling, guardian, etc.) to initiate the process on their behalf.
Common Student Questions
- I am unsure whether my situation would be considered as a significant medical condition?
- I have experience exacerbated symptoms from a chronic illness, would a medical withdraw be appropriate for me?
- I am taking longer to recover from a routine surgery, would a medical withdraw be appropriate?
- How would a medical withdraw appear on my transcript?
- Should I take a medical withdraw or regular withdrawal from UWL?
- How long do I have to wait before returning to UWL after taking a medical withdraw?
These are all really important questions to consider before medically withdrawing from the university. Please visit the Student Life Office by scheduling an appointment at 608-785-8062 or by email at
Policies & Procedures
For more information regarding the withdrawal process, please view the above section. The medical withdraw process utilizes similar policies and procedures to withdraw from the university.
In order for a student to initiate the medical withdraw process, the student will need to meet with Student Life Staff to discuss the situation and how to move forward through the process. Student Life staff will work with each student to begin communication with a licensed healthcare provider and develop a plan for reentry depending on the student’s situation.
Once a student is prepared to return to the university, Student Life staff will require a follow-up letter from a licensed healthcare provider. Student Life staff will be able to provide information about the specific information required for both the medical withdraw letter and the letter for re-entry.
Contact Information
Student Life Office
- Phone Number: 608-785-8062
- Email Address:
- Office location: 149 Graff Main Hall
Resources and Links
The ACCESS Center serves any student with a documented disability (e.g. ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Acquired Brain Injury, PTSD, Physical, Sensory, Psychological, or Learning Disability) who needs to arrange academic accommodations. Visit the ACCESS Center website for more information.
If you are looking to come back to UWL after withdrawing from the university, please visit the Re-entry Student Admissions page.
Applying for graduation
Your academic career is near completion and the Office of Records and Registration is here to assist. Students first need to apply for graduation through their WINGS account.
Common student questions
- When do I become eligible to apply for graduation?
- What if I need to change my graduation term?
- When do I apply for graduation?
- What if I can’t remember if I applied to graduate?
- What happens if I don’t apply to graduate?
Contact information
Records and Registration
- Phone: 608-785-8951
- Email:
- Office location: 117 Graff Main Hall
Continuing Education
- Phone: 608-785-6500
- Email:
- Office location: 205 Morris Hall
College of Business Administration
- Office location: 138 Wimberly Hall
College of Liberal Studies/School of Arts and Communication
- Office location: 260 Morris Hall
College of Science and Health
- Office location: 205 Graff Main Hall
School of Education
- Office location: 145 Graff Main Hall
Resources and links
For more information about your academic record, please visit the Records and Registration webpage here.
For more information about the graduation ceremony, please visit the commencement webpage here.
Alumni connection/support
Expanding boxes
Staying connected as a UWL Eagle
The UWL Alumni Association’s mission is to build and maintain relationships among students, alumni, friends and the university. Alumni volunteers speak in the classroom, provide internships and job opportunities, contribute their time, talent and resources to help students be successful. In addition, the Alumni Association sponsors more than 60 events throughout the year to provide networking and educational programs for alumni.
Common student questions
- What does the Alumni Association do?
- Is there a fee to join the Alumni Association?
- What are the benefits?
- Can I attend events without being a member?
- How do I volunteer once I graduate?
- Can I use the Cleary Alumni & Friends Center?
Visit the UWL Alumni & Friends Foundation webpage here.
Contact information
Alumni Association
- Phone: 608-785-8489
- Email:
- Office location: Cleary Alumni & Friends Center
Resources and links
Stop by the Cleary Alumni & Friends Center and say hello! Our staff would like to meet you and hear about your experience at UWL.