A page within Sustainability

The Green Fund is a student-run entity that gives the UWL community the means to make larger steps towards a more sustainable campus. Students, staff, and faculty can send in requests for a Green Fund Grant to fund their environmentally-focused project. Besides funding and maintaining projects, the Green Fund also supports and promotes sustainability at UWL through collaboration with other environmentally-focused groups on campus.
How to Write a Grant
- Email the Green Fund Coordinator at greenfund@uwlax.edu or fill out the Pre-Proposal Form.
- Let them know what you plan on writing a grant about. They can tell you the feasibility of your project and connect you with the staff members needed to make your project possible.
- Download the correct application from the website (located under "Have An Idea?" on this page).
- Large Green Fund Grant Applications are for grants costing $5000 or more.
- Mini Green Fund Grant Applications are for grants costing $4999 or less.
- Submit completed Grant Application to the Green Fund Coordinator at greenfund@uwlax.edu
- They may make edits or ask for changes to be made.
- Once approved by the Green Fund Coordinator, your grant will move onto the Approval Process!
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Green Fund?
The Green Fund was proposed by students and passed in a student referendum in the spring of 2008 by a vote of 2222 to 275. Each semester an amount of approximately $10.83 will be collected from each student and placed into the Green Fund, totaling roughly $60,000 per semester. Applications for projects funded by this money are collected and reviewed by the Joint Committee on Environmental Sustainability (JCES), then forwarded to the Segregated University Fee Allocation Committee (SUFAC). If approved, SUFAC then moves grant applications on to Student Senate with its recommendations. Student Senate then decides upon final Green Fund application approvals.
Students, faculty, and staff are all encouraged to propose projects to the Green Fund. We value innovation and cooperation.
The Green Fund bylaws are an important document that highlights various aspects of the Green Fund and it's application process.
How much money can I request?
For large Green Fund Grants, there is not limit on the amount you may request.
For mini Green Fund Grants, which can be applied for at any time by a student, can only request up to $4,999.
Who can apply?
For large Green Fund Grants, students, staff, and faculty can all apply!
For mini Green Fund Grants, only students can apply!
Is there a deadline?
Yes and no.
For Mini Grants (those with a cost less than $5,000), applications are accepted throughout the academic year. So, there is no deadline!
For Large Grants (those with a cost greater than $5,000), applications have a deadline set for each semester (Fall and Spring). Applications must be submitted by those days for consideration. Those deadlines are generally about 5 weeks before the final day of Finals.
Spring 2024 Semester Deadline: April 1, 2024.
Who do I contact if I have a question?
The Green Fund Coordinators are here to help with the application process.
A Green Fund Coordinator may be contacted by email at greenfund@uwlax.edu.
Please setup an appointment today!