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A page within Textbook Rental

 New course material adoption requests for Textbook Rental Services need to be designated as either a primary textbook course or for a multiple-textbook course.  There is no cap on the price of a primary textbook.  There is a $100 policy limitation on the price of materials for multiple textbook courses. The $100 includes ALL materials used for the course that were purchased within the last three years, not just the price of the new text requested.  Note:  If approved, the text(s) must be used for a minimum of three years or three terms, whichever is greater.

All new course material adoption requests for Textbook Rental Services MUST be approved by the Department Chair before they will can be reviewed and considered. An email will be sent to the Department Chair the requestor listed on the survey, which they will forward onto noting their approval.

Adoptions for Textbook Rental Services are to be submitted independently from the University Bookstore.

Review and Approval Process

1. Instructors have until close of business on the second Friday in March(before Spring recess) for Summer and Fall terms, and the Friday three weeks after course schedules are due for Winter and Spring terms, to submit Textbook Rental Services adoption requests. 

2. All rental adoption requests will be reviewed individually and prioritized per the policy. Not all of the rental adoption requests submitted will be approved as they may not qualify or they may be denied due to limited resources available.  

3. Instructors will be notified on or before the textbook rental due date of the current term, of the status of requests (approved or not approved) for the following term so that plans can be made accordingly.

a.) If approved, instructors should order a desk copy immediately and track its arrival to      ensure it is received in plenty of time to prepare for the course(s). New orders will be      placed to arrive in time for the start of classes. Email notifications will be sent when new texts arrive or if they will arrive after classes begin. Instructors will be contacted by email when we are ordering your book(s) should Textbook Rental Services run into any        unforeseen problems. 

b.) If not approved, and an instructor need help selecting alternate textbooks from inventory,  please contact Textbook Rental Services during business hours to assist.

 4. After the data entry window closes on the Friday three weeks after course schedules are due, instructors will need to send an  email to each and every time a change is made to course materials, so the book list can be updated accordingly. Textbook Rental Services will notify the department by email on a weekly basis of all courses that were added into the system that do not have any course materials entered for the course in Wings.