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Pangchaan Shirley Yang

Pangchaan Shirley Yang

Pangchaan Shirley Yang

Milwaukee, WI
Community Health Education, Junior

Brief Biography: I love playing sports (Basketball, football, volleyball,etc.) I want to one day become an orthodontist. Mission work is what I hope to do in the Future as well as travel overseas.
Study Tip: Really annotate your notes whenever you’re taking notes. Draw or write a lot of examples to help you remember the notes. Begin studying on the day you learn the materials so you have a better understanding of the topics which allows you time to ask questions on unclear topics. 

Michael Cooper

Michael Cooper

Michael Cooper

Middle Childhood Early Adolescence Education, Junior

Brief Biography: I am a 3rd year student. I am currently an RA in Reuter hall which keeps me busy. I love playing any sport that there is, trying new ones is always the best. I also enjoy movies and games. 

Study Tip: Find that one place that you can go to study and always try and use it. I have a certain table in the library that i like to go to because it is out of the way and there are not many distractions. Also find some one in your class to just talk about the information with, when you say it outloud and explain a concept to someone else you prove to yourself that you know the material.

Courtney Lewis

Courtney Lewis

Courtney Lewis

Marketing, Junior

Brief Biography: I’m from the Madison area and love playing soccer and doing anything active. I hope to travel in my career and possibly one day run my own business.

Study Tip: Get away from anything and anyone that will distract you. Even if you think you can focus enough to not be distracted by something, chances are you will most likely be distracted and not able to do your best work that way. Listening to music helps me study so if you can do that and stay focused that’s another good idea. 

Seda Heng

Seda Heng

Seda Heng

Rochester, MN
Biology, Junior

Brief Biography: I transferred here at UW-La Crosse last semester (Spring 2016). I’m a junior right now and I’m pursuing my goal to become a sports physical therapist. I love dogs and I also love trying out new things; being adventurous. I enjoy being outdoors and having a good time all around.

Study Tip: I would have to say making a routine for yourself so you can get your work done in a timely manner and not procrastinate. It will cause less stress and you’ll feel better and more focused in the end! I would also say find your own study place that suits you (quiet, comfortable area) so that you can focus and study to your full potential. 

Alexandra Donowa

Alexandra Donowa

Milwaukee, WI
Marketing, Freshman

Brief Biography: I am currently a freshman and my experience here at UWL has been great so far! I enjoy being active and playing soccer. I love meeting new people and learning new things from them.

Study Tip: My best advice would be to find a place where you feel most comfortable; a place free from distractions. This will allow you to focus on your work and get it done efficiently. In times of need, go out to your peers and have them help you. Finding help from your friends will give you the chance to hear other perspectives.