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A page within University Marketing & Communications

Design Services provides graphic design for all UW-La Crosse departments as well as the UWL Alumni Association and UWL Foundation. Design Services is a part of University Communications, within the Advancement division.

Design Services

Jake Speer  Profile of Jake Speer

Specialty areas:

Graphic design, web design, content management systems, CSS, JavaScript

We coordinate the design of:

  • overall visual and graphic identity of UWL
  • all recruitment materials
  • various electronic and printed collateral:
    • brochures
    • posters
    • digital signage
    • fliers
    • postcards and invitations
    • forms
    • programs
    • newsletters (interactive PDFs and printed)
    • Web graphics
  • the Lantern alumni magazine
  • major components of the university's communications effort
  • iconography

We also serves as a clearinghouse for publications with an off-campus audience, ensuring consistent, quality publications.

Student and volunteer 
orgs contact University 
Centers' Graphic Design

Things to consider before you start a project:

1. Schedule a meeting with Design Services
115 Graff Main Hall
785.8575 or 785.8499

Come prepared to discuss the following:

  • purpose of the design
  • intended audience
  • timeline
  • which platforms will this design be distributed (print, web, digital display, social media)
  • copy, art and photo needs

By the close of the meeting we will have established:

  1. a feasible production schedule
  2. ideas for gathering and writing copy
  3. design ideas
  4. photo needs

2. Complete copy

Campus clients should provide copy via email or flashdrive. Copy should be saved as Microsoft Word text or as a text file. Submit a hard copy printout of copy as well. Design Services follows the UWL Style Guide and the Associated Press Stylebook. The UWL Style Guide contains style elements specific to the university and should be consulted as a first reference.

3. Design process

Preliminary design considerations will be discussed at the initial meeting with Design Services. As copy is being completed, other design elements will fall into place. Primary responsibility for the "look" of a publication rests with Design Services Services to ensure consistency, readability and quality. Client suggestions on design will be taken into consideration.

Clients will be given PDF proofs to check. Positioning of photos and artwork will be shown on all proofs. Design Services Services will provide up to two proofs and a final file for each project.

4. Proof final copy

Clients are expected to inspect their proof very carefully to ensure that all elements are in place and accurate. Design Services Services will provide up to two proofs and a final file for each project. Continual changes to artwork are time consuming and inhibit meeting deadlines.

It is the responsibility of the client to:

  • check for factual accuracy (pay special attention to headlines, subheads and photo captions)
  • verify the proper spelling of all names, titles and middle initials
  • double-check dates, facts and figures
  • make sure the correct contact information and web address are included
  • check spelling
  • assist in checking for university style
  • assist in correcting spelling and grammatical errors
  • double-check all copy has been proofread against original copy or changes marked on the previous proof
  • read all articles word for word to ensure continuity
  • make sure more than one person reviews the final proof