Leadership & Involvement Center (LIC)
A page within University Centers
The Leadership & Involvement Center's Banner Logo
We envision a campus where students lead purpose driven lives by engaging in activities that promote lifelong, active citizenship, personal well-being, and professional growth.
We are dedicated to engaging students in leadership, involvement, and service opportunities.
Eagle LEAD
EagleLEAD (Leadership, Engagement, and Discussion) is speaker and discussion series where each month we focus on a different leadership skill.
Join us every third Tuesday of the month from 12-1pm! Lunch is provided and all students, faculty, and staff are welcome.
2024-2025 Schedule
- Leading With Our Values (Values Based Leadership) - September 17th
- October 15th
- November 19th
- February 18th
- April 15th
Check out our Spring 2021 Speaker Series on the COVE's YouTube Page!
CliftonStrengths for Students
CliftonStrengths for Students helps students discover their natural talents: then teaches them how to develop their talents into strengths.
If your Student Organization, department, or team are interested in hosting a StrengthsQuest session, please complete this form on MyOrgs.
This 90 minute session is made up of two parts: A 30 minute assessment and a 45-60 minute presentation to help you understand your themes.
Your top 5 themes can help you answer that popular interview question: "What are your top 3 strengths?" This assessment is a great opportunity for students to learn about themselves as they prepare for interviews and are working on a resume.
Any questions, please stop by the COVE or email the LIC@uwlax.edu.
National Society for Leadership & Success
The National Society for Leadership and Success (NSLS) at UW-La Crosse
The NSLS is the largest leadership honor society in the United States. Our local Chapter at UW-La Crosse was started in Fall 2021 and is part of the national organization with 800+ chapters and over 2 millions members.
Students are selected based on exemplary academic achievement and leadership potential. As of 2023, we have over 1,000 members who have access to:
- More than $400,000 in scholarships
- An exclusive NSLS job board
- A personalized letter of recommendation
The NSLS leadership program teaches the interpersonal skills that employers seek to give you an edge in the job market. Your experience with NSLS can be life-changing. If you become a member, some of the other benefits are:
- Learn from exceptional leaders during exclusive Speaker Broadcasts
- Meet new friends and make lifelong connections (on-campus and virtually)
- Overcome challenges with success coaches shortcutting your way to success
- Gain access to exclusive networking events
Visit nsls.org to learn more about and accept your nomination.
Frequently Asked Questions
- What do I have to do to become inducted? The Steps to Induction take approximately 9-10 hours over the course of the semester.
- Is this recognized on campus? The NSLS is officially recognized at UWL and is led by Amanda Krafft, Program Coordinator for Civic Engagement and Leadership.
- Does it cost anything to join? New members pay a one-time $95 fee upon accepting their nomination.
Any questions please email Amanda Krafft at akrafft@uwlax.edu
Chapter Members, check your NSLS dashboard calendar for events.
Leadership Assessments
Are you looking to learn more about your leadership? New leader for a student organization? Below you will find some assessments that you can take to learn more about your leadership style.
DISC Assessment- This free DISC personality test lets you determine your DISC type and personality profile quickly. Find out how the DISC factors, Dominance, Influence, Steadiness and Compliance predict your behavior towards others and the everyday things you do.
Big Five Personality Test - Take this free Personality Test and find out more about who you are and your strengths. This is valuable information for choosing a career. This personality quiz measures the Big Five personality traits that were developed over three or four decades by several independent scientific researchers.
Myers-Briggs Personality Assessment: 16 Personalities - Have you ever head someone describe themselves as an INTJ or an ESTP and wondered what those cryptic-sounding letters could mean? The Myers-Briggs Personality Type Indicator is a self-report inventory designed to identify a person's personality type, strengths, and preferences.
Enneagram Personality Test - A system of personality which describes people in terms of nine types, each with their own motivations, fears, and internal dynamics. The Enneagram is an emotionally focused system for understanding people - honing in on one's core emotional motivations and fears. Each of the nine personalities has its own driving force, which is centered around a particular emotion.
True Color Test - A personality test is completed to yield a description of an individual's distinct personality traits. In most instances, your personality will influence relationships with your family, friends, and classmates and contribute to your health and well-being.
UWL Student Leadership Summit
Details coming soon.
For any questions, email lic@uwlax.edu
Connect with volunteer opportunities
Ugetconnected is a free, online resource for local agencies to advertise volunteer opportunities. The site is brought to you by Great Rivers United Way, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, Viterbo University, and Western Technical College. We are working together to post volunteer opportunities in one central, online location. Community agencies create a profile on Ugetconnected to recruit volunteers, advertise events, and share information about their agency. As we market this site to the community, we hope it becomes THE online resource in our seven-county community to find volunteer and service opportunities!
We invite you to visit www.uwlax.edu/ugetconnected and use your UW-L student or employee log-in information to create your volunteer profile, respond to volunteer needs, and track your service hours!
Need help getting started? Please reference our helpful New Volunteer Guide.
Chancellor's Volunteer Service Award
The Chancellor’s Volunteer Service Award is an award that is available for all UWL students to receive for the community service they complete during their time at UWL. Students are eligible for four levels of awards annually as well as a cumulative achievement award which are outlined below:
- Level 1: Bronze: 25-50 hours per academic year
- Level 2: Silver: 51-75 hours per academic year
- Level 3: Gold: 76-100 hours per academic year
- Level 4: Platinum: 101+ hours per academic year
- Eagle Achievement Award: Over 400 cumulative hours during their time at UWL awarded to graduating students
Hours must be completed during the academic year to count for one of the annual recognitions. However, hours completed during the summer can count towards the Eagle Achievement Award.
Students will track their hours in UGetConnected and be recognized by the Chancellor in a ceremony in the Spring. If you have any questions, please reach out to the Leadership and Involvement Center by emailing them at LIC@uwlax.edu or calling 608-785-8866.
Signup here.
UWL Day of Service
UWL Day of Service - March 29, 2025
Join us to serve the community at various projects throughout the La Crosse area.
Timeline of Our Day:
- 9-9:20am Check-In
- 9:20-9:45am Welcome and Community Building
- 9:45-10am Travel to Volunteer Sites
- 10am-1pm Service Our Community
- 1-1:15pm Travel back to campus
- 1:15-2pm Lunch and Guest Speaker
Make a Difference Day
Saturday, November 2, 2024
More information in September
Make a Difference Day is a one-day national event held every fall that celebrates service in local communities. The Leadership & Involvement Center (LIC), along with representatives from Viterbo University and Western Technical College, coordinates service opportunities in the La Crosse area and encourages students to work together to accomplish service projects. Following the service project, students are invited to gather together to enjoy pizza and snacks at Viterbo University.
The service projects for Make a Difference Day are located on Ugetconnected. If you are interested in participating in this event as an individual or as a group, please visit Ugetconnected. After logging in with your UWL username and password, click on the “Make a Difference Day” tab. If you have questions or would like more information, please email us at LIC@uwlax.edu
Blood Drives
Blood Drive Dates
October 1-2, 2024 from 11am - 5pm in 2110 Student Union
December 3, 2024 from 11am - 5pm in 2110 Student Union
February 19-20, 2024 from 11am-5pm in 2100 Student Union
The Leadership & Involvement Center, along with a co-sponsoring student organization, hosts a two-day blood drive with the American Red Cross. Typically, two blood drives are held each fall semester, and one is held each spring semester. To view dates and to sign-up for a time in advance, please visit the https://www.redcrossblohttps://www.redcrossblood.org/give.html/drive-results?zipSponsor=eaglesbloodod.org/.
If your student organization is interested in co-sponsoring a blood drive, please email us at LIC@uwlax.edu
Tracking Hours on UGetConnected
Tracking Hours on UGetConnected
Starting August 30, 2024
Volunteering encompasses a diverse array of activities that individuals choose to participate in willingly, with the primary goal of benefiting the community at large. Monetary compensation is not the primary incentive for engaging in these activities.
At UWL, students, faculty, and staff use UGetConnected to find volunteer opportunities and track hours. Belows are guidelines for tracking hours outside of needs posted on UGetConnected.
Community Service Hours Guidelines:
- As a volunteer, you help the community beyond UWL. We ask volunteers to not track hours on UGetConnected that focus on promoting a student organization and/or department/office, tutoring UWL students or serving as a TA, or assisting with UWL events that do not benefit the larger La Crosse Community.
- Volunteers do not get paid for their work. Volunteerism means giving your time and effort for free to help in the community or assist a nonprofit organization. Sometimes, volunteers may receive a small stipend, like $100 for being on a nonprofit board for 2 years, but this stipend should not be the same as getting a regular wage or salary.
- If you receive a stipend or are volunteering for a class requirement, please check those boxes when submitting your hours on UGetConnected.
Student Organizations
- Individuals are encouraged to log their hours on UGetConnected.
- Individuals can log volunteer hours if completed as part of a student organization community service project.
- Example: Participating in the Oktoberfest cleanup program, where organizations receive financial compensation to their organization.
- Student Organizations are encouraged to create a user group. Please email ugetconnected@uwlax.edu to set up a User Group. As a user group leader, you can:
- Review and export a list of volunteers in your user group
- Add or remove members
- Copy and share a join link
- View your user group resume
- Filter the user group to see the information you need
The Leadership & Involvement Center (or appropriate reviewing entity) reserves the right to approve or deny submitted hours based on these guidelines and continued assessment of service hour guidelines. Hours are reviewed on a case-by-case basis and may require additional context if hours submitted are perceived to fall outside of these guidelines. The Leadership & Involvement Center (or appropriate reviewing entity) also reserves the right to make changes to these guidelines, as informed by feedback and evolving best practices.
Visit UWL volunteer website to find related websites geared toward volunteering and service on campus and in the community.
Volunteer Resources by Category
What is the Civil Discourse Program?
The Civil Discourse Program, a cross-campus initiative, educates on Civil Discourse which can be defined as conversations in where there is a mutual airing of views in a respectful manner. Events hosted by the Civil Discourse Program Committee include panels with educated individuals and roundtable practice with trained facilitators. The goal is for students to learn and practice this important skill and carry it on to conversations in classes, among friends and family, and in their professional careers.
Committee Members
- Amanda Krafft, Program Coordinator for Civic Engagement & Leadership
- Maiya Nate, Leadership & Involvement Center Graduate Assistant
- Jacob Hart, Associate Director of Student Engagement & Leadership
- Justin Poley, Campus Vote Project Democracy Fellow
- Avery Britz-Brown, Student Association Local Affairs Director
- Anthony Chergosky, Faculty Representative
- Ashley Nowak, Director for the Center for Civil Dialogue & Civic Engagement
Involvement Fair
Fall 2024 Involvement Fair
Wednesday, September 11 from 11am - 2pm on the Student Union Lawn
The Involvement Fair is a student organization fair that is held every second Wednesday of the semester. This is a great opportunity for UWL students to learn about the student organizations that are available on campus. This is also a great opportunity for student organizations to advertise themselves, recruit new student members, and share information about upcoming events. Every year, we have a turnout of over 100 student organizations and 1,000 students who come to learn more about being active and getting involved at UWL.
If your student organization is interested participating in Involvement Fair, please contact Kyle Hutson at khutson@uwlax.edu.
Learn more on MyOrgs!
Sample the City & Volunteer Fair
Wednesday, September 4 from 10am-1pm
Sample the City & Ugetconnected Volunteer Fair is an event in which Campus Activities Board and The Leadership & Involvement (LIC) team work together to bring La Crosse area businesses and volunteer opportunities to campus for students to get a glimpse of all there is to offer in the community, without stepping foot off campus! This is a great chance for students to try different food samples, learn about local businesses, get a sense of volunteer opportunities, and win prizes.
If you are an agency looking to register for the event, please contact Amanda Krafft (akrafft@uwlax.edu).
LIC Staff
- Pgrm Crd for Cvc Engagement & Ldrsp
- 2208 Student Union
- akrafft@uwlax.edu
- 608.785.8902
Specialty areas:
Leadership and Involvement Center (LIC)
Volunteering & Community Engagement (UGetConnected)
Election Engagement and UWL Votes
Student Leadership Programs
Campus Food Pantry
National Society of Leadership & Success (NSLS) Advisor

- Student
- nate2407@uwlax.edu