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Volume XVII (2014)

A page within Journal of Undergraduate Research


The JUR has been discontinued as of 2025, and submissions will no longer be accepted. Previous submissions (1998-2024) can still be viewed here and via the Muphy Library Digital Collections. A new publication opportunity will be announced soon.

Table of Contents

UW-La Crosse Journal of Undergraduate Research, Volume XVII (2014)

Articles are organized below by UW-L college and department, and then listed alphabetically by undergraduate student author.

Entries appear in the following format: Student Author(s), [Faculty Mentor(s)]–Title.

Clicking on any title link below will allow you to download/view the entire article as an Adobe .pdf file.

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College of Business Administration (CBA)


Lisiecki, Kendall; Welton, Jessie [Hoffer]– The Economic Impact of Recessions on Major League Sports in the United States

College of Liberal Studies (CLS)

Communication Studies

Thornsen, Vanessa [Docan-Morgan]– Communicating with Family After Deployment

Langer, Emily [Leahy]– What’s Trending? Social Media and its Effects on Organizational Communication


Covaleski, Nick [Kopp]– The Resuscitation of Meaning

Nelson, Cole [Sultzbach]– “Devils in the Wilderness”: The Character of Wilderness in American Horror Fiction

Meister, Philippe [Thoune]– University of Wisconsin-La Crosse Diversity and Literacy Outcomes: A Pilot Study in Assessing how Students’ Interactions with the Residence Hall Diversity Statement Participate in Inclusive Excellence


Brehm, Taylor [Anderson and Chavalas] - Social Stratification Amongst non-elite Housing of Grid 12 at El’-Amarna, Egypt


Covaleski, Nick [Scherwitz]– The Pauline Project: Christ Universalized

Political Science/Public Administration

Hensley, Mariah [Block]– Food Additives: Regulations and Repercussions

Krug, Carissa [Block]– Stay at Home or Travel to Rome: The Effects of Travel on Political Ideology

Krug, Carissa; Manley, Jordan; Robinson, Sarah; Vang, Nou [Arney & Miller]- The La Crosse County Senior Dining Program: Implications for the Elderly Population in La Crosse County


Hartwick, Olivia; Kubisiak, Kathleen [Marshik]– The Effects of an At-Risk Label on the Attribution of Student Behavior


Brehm, Taylor [Anderson and Chavalas] - Social Stratification Amongst non-elite Housing of Grid 12 at El’-Amarna, Egypt

Gregory, Samantha [Norris] - Religiosity as an Intermediate Factor in the Relationship between Early Sexual Debut and Depression among Adolescents

Jones, Amanda [Arzigian and Theler] - Faunal Analysis: Reconstructing Subsistancy and Seasonality at the Tremaine Site (47LC95)

Krug, Carissa; Manley, Jordan; Robinson, Sarah; Vang, Nou [Arney & Miller]- The La Crosse County Senior Dining Program: Implications for the Elderly Population in La Crosse County

McReynolds, Joel [Arney]– Service Learning from the Perspective of Community Partner Organizations


College of Science and Health (CSH)


Eliades, Lauren; Erlandson, Martin; Ruiz, Amelia [Liu and Cooper]– Effects of Hibernation on the Enteric Nervous System of the Thirteen-lined Ground Squirrels

Recreation Management and Therapeutic Recreation

Mueller, Hannah [Ardovino]– The Deutschland Drive: From Guttmann to Gold