Volume XVIII (2015)
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Table of Contents
UW-La Crosse Journal of Undergraduate Research, Volume XVIII (2015)
Articles are organized below by UW-L college and department, and then listed alphabetically by undergraduate student author.
Entries appear in the following format: Student Author(s), [Faculty Mentor(s)]–Title.
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College of Business Administration (CBA)
College of Liberal Studies (CLS)
Communication Studies
Ryan, Eleanor [Lavelle]– I've Heard This Story Before: A Narrative Criticism of News Coverage of Ferguson
Vang, Carol [Dickmeyer, L]– Racial Microaggressions as Experienced by Asian American Females
Nedeau-Owen, Martha [Block and Moeller]– The Impacts of Gendered Rhetoric in the United States Presidential Inaugural Address
Political Science/Public Administration
Braun, Cody; Hawkins, Chandra; Kullerud, Erik; Nimtz, Frederick [Arney]– Building a Bicycle Friendly La Crosse
Fameree, Tiffany [Block]– Party Polarization: A Longitudinal Analysis of the Gender Gap in Candidate Preference
Nedeau-Owen, Martha [Block and Moeller]– The Impacts of Gendered Rhetoric in the United States Presidential Inaugural Address
Unger, Jessey [Gongaware and Block]– A Qualitative Study of How Practitioner Perceive Success with Drug Policy and Programs: and Applying to Drug Programming and Policy
Xiong-Vue, Sammy [Block]– Finding Self-Identity and Empowerment in the Comfort of Your Own Skin: Are Women Shelters Culturally Competent to Serve Hmong Women?
Hartwick, Olivia; Kubisiak, Kathleen [Marshik]– The Effects of an At-Risk Label on the Attribution of Student Behavior
Ngandali, Yolona [Anderson, Arzigian, and Halligan]– Contact Period Rock Art: GIS Analysis of Social and Spatial Interactions of Australian Aboriginal Peoples and European Explorers in Arnhem Land, Northern Territory, Australia
Unger, Jessey [Gongaware and Block]– A Qualitative Study of How Practitioner Perceive Success with Drug Policy and Programs: and Applying to Drug Programming and Policy
College of Science and Health (CSH)
Sagstetter, Mary [Seebach]– Chronic Caffeine Exposure Decreases Excitatory Post-Synaptic Potentials in Drosophila melanogaster Larvae