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A page within Undergraduate Research & Creativity

Relocation notice

The Student Research, Creativity, & Experiential Learning Office is temporarily located in Wimberly Hall, Room 339G due to the Graff Main Hall construction. SRCEL staff are available via email (, phone (608-785-8040), or by appointment. We apologize for any inconvenience. 

Undergraduate Research & Creativity Staff Directory

Nicholas Bakken  Profile of Nicholas Bakken

Specialty areas:

Criminology and Criminal Justice, Criminal Desistance, Prisoner Reentry, Diversion programs, Drug Treatment Courts, Substance Use and Health, Suicidology

Bryn Rouse  Profile of Bryn Rouse

Specialty areas:

Internal faculty/staff grant programs, Student Research, Creativity, & Experiential Learning (SRCEL) initiatives, Undergraduate Research & Creativity (URC) grants, local/national undergraduate research conferences, UWL's Research & Creativity Symposium

Undergraduate Research and Creativity Committee

The Undergraduate Research and Creativity Committee consists of nine faculty members and up to two student representatives. Faculty members serve for up to three years. There shall be no more than four faculty members from any of the College of Business Administration, the College of Arts, Social Sciences, and Humanities, or the College of Science and Health. Student members shall be selected from students who have received research funding from the committee in previous years. Students who submit research proposals during a given year shall not be members of the committee during that year. The committee elects its chairperson.

Duties and Responsibilities

According to the the faculty senate bylaw II, the duties and responsibilities of the Undergraduate Research and Creativity Committee include:

  1. Establishing evaluation procedures and criteria for funding undergraduate research and creativity proposals 
  2. Establishing procedures for applying for undergraduate research funds 
  3. Publicizing the availability of undergraduate research funds and the procedures for applying for those funds 
  4. Apportioning institutional funds for undergraduate research 
  5. Advising the consultant of student research and the Associate Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs in the solicitation of grant monies to support undergraduate research 
  6. Planning and conducting an annual Research and Creativity Symposium, as well as other means of disseminating undergraduate research and creativity results 

2022-2023 URCC Members:

  • Keith Beyer, spring only
  • Wen-Chiang Chen
  • Michelle Collyar
  • Agatha Hultquist, fall only
  • Anna Keefe, fall only
  • Kristina LaPlant
  • Tesia Marshik
  • Amy Nicodemus
  • William Ross
  • Chad Vidden
  • Robert Wilkie, spring only
  • Alder Yu
  • TBA, student representative appointed by Student Senate
  • TBA student representative appointed by Student Senate
  • Nick Bakken, ex-officio

URCC meeting minutes can be found on the Faculty Senate's URCC page

Upcoming events: