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Oral presentation

A page within Undergraduate Research & Creativity

Relocation notice

The Student Research, Creativity, & Experiential Learning Office is temporarily located in Wimberly Hall, Room 339G due to the Graff Main Hall construction. SRCEL staff are available via email (, phone (608-785-8040), or by appointment. We apologize for any inconvenience. 

  1. Know your audience and time limit
  2. 5x5 rule  - Try to limit each page to no more than 5 bullets with 5 words each.  By summarizing your points you make your presentation an easier read for the audience and eliminate the possibility of reading the points word for word to your audience
  3. Use large high resolution images that your audience can see
  4. Use consistent font size and color combinations
  6. This link will take you to a file with examples.

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