UWL Coordinator for NCUR
A page within Undergraduate Research & Creativity
Relocation notice
The Student Research, Creativity, & Experiential Learning Office is temporarily located in Wimberly Hall, Room 339G due to the Graff Main Hall construction. SRCEL staff are available via email (srcel@uwlax.edu), phone (608-785-8040), or by appointment. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Updated for NCUR 2025
Coordinator’s Name: Nick Bakken
Coordinator’s Institution: UW-La Crosse
Coordinator’s Institution Street: 1725 State St.
Coordinator’s Additional Institution Street: 243 Graff Main Hall
Coordinator’s Institution City: La Crosse
State: WI
Coordinator’s Institution Zip: 54601
Coordinator’s Email: nbakken@uwlax.edu
Coordinator’s Title: Student Research & Experiential Learning Coordinator
Coordinator’s 10-digit Phone: (608) 785-8040