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Publishing your work

A page within Undergraduate Research & Creativity

Relocation notice

The Student Research, Creativity, & Experiential Learning Office is temporarily located in Wimberly Hall, Room 339G due to the Graff Main Hall construction. SRCEL staff are available via email (, phone (608-785-8040), or by appointment. We apologize for any inconvenience. 

Publishing Opportunities

There are publishing opportunities available for undergraduate researchers both within UWL and nationwide.

NOTICE: The Journal of Undergraduate Research (JUR) has been discontinued, and we are no longer accepting submissions for the program. The program was offered from 1998-2024, and those publications can still be viewed on our webpage and via Murphy Library's Digital Collections. A new publication opportunity will be announced soon.


General writing format varies among disciplines and journals. Speak to your faculty mentor or someone in your college to find out which guidelines you should be following. Purdue's Online Writing Lab (OWL) is a great resource for writers to explore common formats.


Plagiarism is a very serious charge, and a mistake that many students make accidentally. The Murphy Library is an excellent resource to consult if you are at all unsure about a citation.

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