Future Students
A page within Veteran & Military Connection
Step 1. Get admitted to UWL
Apply for admission to UW-La Crosse.
Step 2. Submit your JST
If you have served or are serving in the U.S Army, U.S Navy, U.S Marine Corps or U.S Coast Guard submit your Joint Services Transcript to UWL so your military experience can be evaluated for transfer credit.
If you have served or are serving in the U.S Air Force, contact the Community College of the Air Force to have your transcript sent to UW-La Crosse. (Note: The CCAF is an accredited transcript and is required for admission.)
Step 3. Apply for Educational Benefits
Federal VA benefits: Apply online. Save a copy of the VA application for your records.
Provide Post 9/11 GI Bill® Certificate of Eligibility (or its equivalent} or for Chapter 31, VA VR&E’s contract with the school on VA Form 28-1905 by the first day of class.
State Benefits: Apply for the Wisconsin GI Bill, if you are eligible. You may contact UWL's Veteran Educational Benefits Office or visit your local County Veterans Service Office.
Not sure which educational benefits you may be eligible for? You can set up a meeting with our office to discuss your options or meet with a County Veterans Service officer.
Step 4. Complete the FAFSA
Apply for Federal Financial Aid by filling out the FAFSA and contact the Financial Aid office for information on Grants or Scholarships you may be eligible for.
Step 5. Eligible for Priority Registration?
Bring our office a copy of your DD-214, DD-4, or Certificate of Eligibility (COE) to be eligible for priority registration.
Step 6. Contact our office!
Provide us a copy of your Certificate of Eligibility (COE) and let us know what benefits you plan on using so we can get you set up for the semester.
Step 7: Interested in Estimating Your Cost to Attend UWL?
The Johnny Isakson and David P. Roe, M.D. Veterans Health Care and Benefits Improvement Act of 2020 requires educational institutions to make certain disclosures to students using federal military and/or VA educational benefits. You can access a personalized data sheet by visiting UWL Cost to Attend. Additional financial information can be found at the US Department of Education College Scorecard site.
Step 1. Get admitted to UWL
Apply for admission to UW-La Crosse.
Step 2. Submit your JST and final school transcripts
If you have served or are serving in the U.S Army, U.S Navy, U.S Marine Corps or U.S Coast Guard submit your Joint Services Transcript to UW-La Crosse so your military experience can be evaluated for transfer credit.
If you have served or are serving in the U.S Air Force, contact the Community College of the Air Force to have your transcript sent to UW-La Crosse. (Note: The CCAF is an accredited transcript and is required for admission.)
Make sure to send UW-La Crosse all final transcripts from your past schools.
Step 3. Transfer Educational Benefits
Contact the Certifying Official on your previous campus and have them email our office your paperwork. If you are using Federal Benefits, you will need to complete a Change in Place of Training VA form.
Provide Post 9/11 GI Bill® Certificate of Eligibility (or its equivalent} or for Chapter 31, VA VR&E’s contract with the school on VA Form 28-1905 by the first day of class.
Step 4. Complete the FAFSA
Apply for Federal Financial Aid by filling out the FAFSA and contact the Financial Aid office for information on Grants or Scholarships you may be eligible for.
Step 5. Eligible for Priority Registration?
Bring our office a copy of your DD-214, DD-4 or Certificate of Eligibility (COE) to be eligible for priority registration.
Step 6. Contact our office!
Make sure the veteran's office has all of your necessary VA paperwork, including your Certificate of Eligibility (COE) so we can get you set up for the semester.
7. Interested in Estimating your Cost to Attend UWL?
The Johnny Isakson and David P. Roe, M.D. Veterans Health Care and Benefits Improvement Act of 2020 requires educational institutions to make certain disclosures to students using federal military and/or VA educational benefits. You can access a personalized data sheet by visiting UWL Cost to Attend. Additional financial information can be found at the US Department of Education College Scorecard site.
Step 1. Get admitted to UWL
Apply for admission to UW-La Crosse.
Step 2. Verify transferred Post 9/11 GI Bill® benefits are approved
Have the veteran check MilConnect to verify Post 9/11 GI Bill® transfer of entitlement is approved. Transfers of entitlement are governed by Department of Defense, not VA, rules and regulations.
Step 3. Apply for Educational Benefits
Federal VA benefits: Apply online. Save a copy of the VA application for your records.
Provide Post 9/11 GI Bill® Certificate of Eligibility (or its equivalent} by the first day of class.
State Benefits: Apply for the Wisconsin GI Bill, if you are eligible. You may contact UWL's Veteran Educational Benefits Office or visit your local County Veterans Services Office for assistance.
Step 4. Complete the FAFSA
Apply for Federal Financial Aid by filling out the FAFSA and contact the Financial Aid office for information on Grants or Scholarships you may be eligible for.
Step 6. Contact our office!
Provide us a copy of your Certificate of Eligibility (COE) and let us know what benefits you plan on using so we can get you set up for the semester.
7. Interested in Estimating your Cost to Attend UWL?
The Johnny Isakson and David P. Roe, M.D. Veterans Health Care and Benefits Improvement Act of 2020 requires educational institutions to make certain disclosures to students using federal military and/or VA educational benefits. You can access a personalized data sheet by visiting UWL Cost to Attend. Additional financial information can be found at the US Department of Education College Scorecard site.