Our values
A page within Wellness & Health Advocacy
Wellness & Health Advocacy recognizes that everyone in the campus community is unique, with different goals, values, strengths, and experiences. Every individual has unique perceptions of and potential for well-being! We respect and value these differences and seek to provide tools, education, guidance, and support to cultivate an inclusive environment.
We appreciate and acknowledge the importance of health education based on sound theory and commit to sharing programs and services guided by evidence, research, and best practices. It is vital that students have non-biased, accurate, and complete health education to make informed decisions regarding their health and well-being.
Wellness & Health Advocacy values wellness as a multi-dimensional concept with interconnections between different aspects of health. We recognize the seven dimensions of wellness as physical, financial, spiritual, emotional/mental, environmental, social/cultural, and career/academic. To “be well at UWL”, students must be given opportunities and resources to nurture their well-being in diverse ways!
Be Well @ UWL: wellness wheel depicting the seven areas of wellness.