Responsible Action Policy
A page within Wellness & Health Advocacy
What is Responsible Action?
Harmful stigma is attached to alcohol and drug-related emergencies and college students often hesitate to report medical emergencies due to fear of repercussions or judgement, especially when drinking underage. To encourage students to call for help, the Responsible Action Policy protects the caller from police citation and/or university discipline for alcohol and drug-related offenses.
At its core, Responsible Action seeks to encourage students to call for emergency medical assistance by providing immunity from police citation or university discipline for alcohol-related offenses.
The Responsible Action Policy has been instituted at the University of Wisconsin- La Crosse as a result of collaboration between the Student Life Office, University Police, and Student Association. This policy is currently active, as of the 2014-2015 academic year.
How does it work?
This policy applies only to disciplinary actions related to the caller’s personal consumption of alcohol. It does not apply to the supplying of alcohol, use or possession of other drugs illegally, or other crimes. The policy may not apply to students involved in repeated violations of university alcohol policies. Failure to complete any educational program may result in issuance of a citation or additional judicial consequences.
For Victims of a Crime: In cases where a student believes they have been a victim of a sexual assault and/or violent crime while under the influence of alcohol, the university will not pursue disciplinary action against the student for improper use of alcohol. Students are strongly encouraged to utilize university resources if they believe they are the victims of a crime.
For Persons in Need of Medical Attention: When a student requires emergency evaluation and/or treatment at a medical facility for an alcohol overdose, that student may be required to complete an alcohol education program. In addition, a parent/guardian may be contacted after repeated calls for emergency medical assistance that indicate a pattern of risky behavior (at the discretion of the Dean of Students).
For the Caller During an Emergency: When a student calls on behalf of an individual who requires emergency evaluation, the caller will not be subject to disciplinary actions from the university if the following conditions are met:
- Caller must remain with the impaired individual until assistance arrives.
- Caller must cooperate fully with emergency responders.
- Caller must complete any educational programs deemed necessary by the Dean of Students.
For Student Organizations: Representatives of a student organization hosting an event are expected to call for assistance if they become aware of an emergency. Failure to do so will be considered an aggravating circumstance and be factored into any decision making regarding further disciplinary action.
Why was this developed?
In the International Journal of Drug Policy, a 2006 study by Cornell University found that emergency calls increased after their own Responsible Action policy was implemented – even though rates of drinking remained constant. Fear of police involvement is the most common reason for not calling 911 during a medical emergency. After the policy was implemented at Cornell, students were much less likely to report this as a barrier to calling for help.
If you have any questions regarding this policy or how it functions, please contact the Student Wellness Coordinator at or 608-785-8977.