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Sexual health

A page within Wellness & Health Advocacy


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Plenty of great sexual health resources are available on campus and in the community!

UWL Student Health Center- Offers counseling, acute care, gynecological and reproductive services, contraceptives, and HIV & STD testing,

Wellness Center- Offers free condoms and sexual health resources! Stop in Graff 149 during business hours!

Options Clinic- Offers birth control and contraceptives, STD testing & treatment,  and pregnancy testing. 


The Peer Health Educators also put on great Sexual Health programming. 

We offer Sex Week which is an annual week long program in each of the residence halls. This last year, 4 programs were provided; Condom Bingo, Sex in the Dark, Sex Panel, and Virtual Sex. 

Condom Bingo- Wish you had a program where you could just play bingo, win prizes, and learn some fun facts about sex?! Well this program is for you! Play bingo while being asked trivia questions on sex. Fun sex-based prizes are given away from the wellness center and options clinic with plenty of free condoms for everyone!

Sex in the Dark- This is your chance to ask any question about sex you've ever wanted to know and get an answer from peers in the room. People in attendance get to write questions on cards or ask them aloud and other in the room get to respond! It's like cosmo advise, except it's legit! Peer Health Educators facilitate conversation to answer the questions other don't know and to make sure everyone gets all the facts!

Sex Panel- We have so many wonderful faculty and staff on campus that are far more mature and wise in a lot of areas, including sex. Come hear from some awesome people on campus who are great resources and have tons to share about all the facets of sex and sexualtiy, it's your turn to ask the sexperts!

Virtual Sex-  A program that speaks to the recent trends of online correspondence that lead to casual sex including online dating, Facebook and other social media, and Tinder and other casual dating apps. The program discusses safety with electronic correspondence and abstinence as side topics. Also, with the incredible amount of social norming that happens on campus, students think that other students have a lot more sex than they actually do. We talk factually about trends that we see happening on campus.


The Peer Health Educators LOVE putting on these programs! If you would ever like one of these programs featured in your hall, just contact us at