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WIAA Policies


WIAA Track Meet Housing policies and procedures

It is important that you share this information with your athletes before arriving at UWL.

WIAA Track Meet policies and procedures

Coaches will assume total responsibility for the behavior and conduct of their athletes. Residence Life policies and expectations are outlined below. Questions about expectations should be directed to Residence Life staff upon check-in time.

Residence Life staff will serve as safety managers, only, during the WIAA state track & field meet, and will assist in situations where emergency services are required or safety concerns are identified. Coaches are required to be present to intervene in these situations, as well, as manage general behavior and conduct of their teams during the duration of the meet.

  1. It is expected that at least one coach per team will be present in the residence halls during the evening and overnight hours. It is expected that all coaches be able to fully function in their coach’s role at all times during the meet.
  2. Upon arrival, all teams are required to pay their housing fees by check, cash, or credit card at the Recreational Eagle Center (REC) check-in area. Make checks payable to UWL. The REC is open for check-in from 3 p.m. to 10 p.m. on Thursday and 8 a.m. to noon on Friday. All completed forms will be verified at the REC and collected at check-in at the assigned residence hall.
  3. Reservations will not be accepted without a coach/chaperone staying in the residence hall with their athletes.
  4. Due to contractual obligations, we cannot house non-athletes or non-coaching staff in the residence halls.
  5. Campus housing is limited due to residence hall projects. In the event that received reservations exceed our available campus housing, we will notify the latest submitted reservation contacts as soon as possible.
  6. High school students are minors and therefore they must have supervision while in our residence halls.
  7. We do not allow adults to share a room with minors.
  8. We do not allow team “hangout” rooms.
  9. Residence hall front desk hours are:
    • Thursday: 3 p.m. - midnight
    • Friday: 6 a.m. - midnight
    • Saturday: 6 a.m. - 8 p.m.
  10. Vending machines and TV rooms are located in each residence hall. Note: Ice and ice buckets are NOT provided so plan ahead and bring these and other personal items with you. Large ice buckets are not allowed in the buildings.
  11. Residence hall front doors will be open for access to the building from 6 a.m. to midnight. All other doors will be locked at all times.
  12. Quiet hours are from 10 p.m. to 8 a.m.
  13. Visitation of the opposite sex is allowed from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m.
  14. Alcohol/drugs are not permitted in the UWL residence halls. The residence halls are smoke and tobacco-free environments.
  15. Storage for vaulting poles is available on the north end of the stadium beginning at noon on Thursday through the completion of the meet on Saturday. Poles cannot be stored in the residence halls.
  16. The following behaviors are prohibited:
    • Verbal abuse of Residence Life staff
    • Physical intimidation or menacing behavior
    • Interference with a staff member engaged in performance of duty
    • Removal of any screens on the windows ($50 fine)
  17. All coaches are responsible for having their student athletes remove garbage from rooms and put it in the outside trash or recycle bins prior to checkout time. The rooms should be in the same condition as they were upon your arrival, i.e., floors swept/carpet vacuumed, pillows and fan left in the room, refrigerators cleaned, wiped out, unplugged and door open. Hall staff will be checking out all teams and inspecting the rooms. Additional charges may be assessed for rooms that are left uncleaned.
  18. Your school will be assessed charges for any damaged and/or missing UWL property. An invoice will be sent to the school.
  19. Charges will be assessed for lost keys. The cost for a lost room key is $60. If the key is found, it must be returned, postmarked by June 13, 2025 (mail it in a bubble mailer or padded envelope to ensure safe delivery). An access card to enter the front door to the hall is given to coaches, only upon request. If an access card is lost or broken, a $12 fine will be assessed. 

Note: Any violation of the above policies may be reported to the WIAA office. Individuals and/or schools may be subject to disciplinary action, including immediate removal from the facilities, denial of future housing accommodations and/or other appropriate measures.


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Housing topics