WIAA Registration
Please note: You should have received a confirmation message via email (please check your junk folder) after your reservation was submitted with the housing cost for your team based on the group numbers you submitted.
Registration will open at 10 a.m. on Friday, May 24, 2024 and registration will close when we reach capacity, or at 8 a.m. on Tuesday, May 28, 2024. Please note: 2 residence halls are under construction and will not be available in 2024.
- The WIAA Housing Reservation Form will only be open during the registration window, and will close earlier if we reach capacity.
- If you need to make changes to your reservation, do not submit a new reservation form. Please complete the Reservation Change Form by 8 a.m. on Tuesday, May, 28. The final reservation you have submitted to WIAA housing at this time will be the one you are billed for during check-in.
- Assignments will be made prior to your arrival.
- If you were unable to register before we reached capacity and would like to be on the wait list, please email wiaahousing@uwlax.edu with details of your request. We will consider waitlist teams after registered teams have been assigned.
Preparing to Submit Your Reservation
Do you want to see the reservation form before it opens? Here is a pdf that will look very similar to the online registration form. This will show you the information required for registration so you can be prepared when it opens at 10 a.m.
Be prepared to enter the following information:
- Basics about your school
- Contact information for your reservation (Name, email, cell)
- # of guests included in your reservation:
- # of male and # of female athletes staying Thursday night and Friday night
- # of male and # of female coaches staying Thursday night and Friday night
- Any special housing accommodations that a member of your team may require
- Check-in date/approximate time
- Emergency contact information for coaches
You will receive a confirmation message via email after your reservation is submitted with the housing cost for your team based on the group numbers you submitted.