WIAA Lost & found
Lost FoundIf you've lost or found something, here’s where to look for it, or drop it off.
During the summer
- University Police Front Counter
- Location: 605 17th St N; La Crosse
- Corner of 17th St and Farwell St
- Items accepted by the UWLPD: books/notebooks, paperwork with identifiable owner information only, sunglasses, prescription eyewear, cellphones, keys, jewelry, wallets/purses, currency, driver's license/state ID cards/passports, backpacks (after perishable & soiled items have been removed), electronic equipment, flash drives, and any item that can be identified to a specific individual.
- Items NOT accepted: clothing/coats/jackets/shoes, cosmetic items, pens/pencils/umbrellas, food/drinks/containers, medication (including prescription medication), perishable items, items that present a sanitation risk (soiled) and any item deemed too large to store.
During the academic year
- Student Union Information Counter
- Cowley Hall main lobby area
- Centennial Hall Room 2131
- Center for the Arts Room 105 (Art Dept.)
- Cleary Alumni & Friends Center Reception Desk
- Graff Main Hall Room 10, Custodial Staff
- Health Science Center Consrt. Office, Level 2
- Mitchell Hall Room 118 (Rec Sports)
- Morris Hall Room 235
- Murphy Library Circulation Desk
- REC Access Counter
- Residence Halls Front Desk
- University Police Front Counter (see location & restrictions above)
- Whitney Center University Dining Office
- Wimberly Hall
- Wing Tech Center Room 103
- Wittich Hall Room 128