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Online Course Evaluation Guidelines

A page within Online Education

The UWL Online Course Evaluation Guidelines, written and revised by various UWL CATL staff members over the years, are intended to help instructors create and teach well-designed online courses. The Guidelines outline specific features of online courses and recommend ways to design, deliver, and improve courses. The Guidelines identify the key features of courses and gives suggestions on how to implement each one in a course. The Guidelines are divided into 5 categories (course overview/information and content, learning objectives and learning engagement, learner support and accessibility, interaction/presence, feedback, and assessment). Not all Guidelines will apply in every course.

The Guidelines may be used as a tool:  

  • for self-assessment by instructors during the design and development of their online courses. 
  • to provide constructive feedback to instructors on the design and delivery of their online courses. 
  • in the UWL Online Instructor Training to help participants identify the features of effective online course design.