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Portrait of Madeline Brunner

Madeline Brunner

It wasn’t until leaving UWL that I discovered how exceptional my undergraduate education was. As a student at UWL, we had accessible faculty who were often willing to go out of their way to ensure students succeeded. Classes at UWL were rigorous and the curriculum rivals (if not beats) that of top-tier universities.

Portrait of Danielle Rux

Danielle Rux

At UWL I benefited from small class sizes and one-on-one assistance, especially in upper level courses. I was able to generate professional relationships with my professors that led to more meaningful and personalized recommendations that were critical for the next steps in my career.

Portrait of Ben Palet

Ben Palet

Working multiple positions within the Chemistry Department (stock room, lab prep, tutoring and research) allowed me to develop meaningful relationships with my professors and fellow students. Balancing these responsibilities taught me valuable lessons of time management and how to prioritize.

Portrait of Leslie Scheurer

Leslie Scheurer

The personal connection I had with my professors was integral in navigating what classes I should take and what research group I should join to explore my options. Additionally, those professors helped me compile my application materials and wrote letters of recommendation for me.

Portrait of Hannah Piper

Hannah Piper

The rigor of courses at UWL prepared me for the high expectations in my graduate coursework. The extensive laboratory opportunities at UWL helped me to become an independent scientist. I feel that I learned many important lab skills in both my undergraduate coursework and research.

Portrait of Nanna Takahashi

Nanna Takahashi

UWL has helped me in various aspects of my career, ranging from understanding difficult biological principles to working as a team with colleagues and customers. It taught me how to be self-motived, to think creatively and to problem solve on the spot.

Portrait of Elyse Sorenson

Elyse Sorenson

UWL offered an exceptional undergraduate experience. Both the college of science and business had great courses and professors who drove engaging classes.

Portrait of Andrew Brownfield

Andrew Brownfield

My four years at UWL prepared me for a wide variety of options. Between research, lectures and lab, I gained valuable experience in many settings and developed time-management strategies that remain critical to this day.

Portrait of Dr. Asieudu Boateng

Dr. Asieudu Boateng

My studies at UWL helped me develop the skills and experience needed to pursue graduate and professional studies as a career goal. A great deal of the rigorous and challenging coursework between biochemistry and chemistry helped me breeze through my doctorate program in pharmacy.

Portrait of Anthony Brandt

Anthony Brandt

Within the department, each course seemed to have the perfect balance of class size, where there were plenty of students to bounce ideas off of and keep the subject matter fun and stimulating, while still maintaining a small enough environment to never feel like you were getting lost in the crowd.

Portrait of Janek Walker

Janek Walker

Quite frankly, I couldn’t be where I am today without the training I received at UWL. The culmination of the rigorous curriculum and an abundance of practical laboratory experience gave me the confidence to begin a career in the life sciences and made me an ideal candidate for prospective graduate schools and employers.

Portrait of Mark Radke

Mark Radke

UWL helped me understand that I wanted to work in a lab performing organic chemistry. I have now spent 29 years working for contract manufacturing organizations making active pharmaceutical ingredients for the pharma industry.