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New Instructor

A page within Center for Advancing Teaching and Learning (CATL)


Hello new instructors! Welcome to UWL. This checklist is intended to help you gather materials, ask questions, explore resources, and make progress toward designing your first round of classes at UWL. Throughout your course design process*, please know that the Center for Advancing Teaching and Learning is here to help! You might also need to rely on your department chair to assist you in this process since every department has their own ways about things and they certainly know the course content the best.

*even if you are hired but haven’t officially started, you can still reach out to us!

Course Preparation
  • Review the syllabus template: Every course is required to have a syllabus. Information about syllabi (what it is and isn't) as well as a template with both required/standardized and customizable areas is available. 
  • Get the textbook/resources for your courses: Obtain a copy of the textbook as well as other required course materials to assist in course planning/design. Students at UWL get their materials through a textbook rental program.
  • Learn about grading guidelines: UWL uses an A-AB-B-BC etc scale. Consider department and college-level specifications regarding grading scale, distribution, etc. Consult with your department chair, as needed.
  • Study your course objectives and description: Obtain a copy of the approved objectives and course description. These should guide your course planning/design.
  • Consider course assessments: Learn about any required department, college, and/or program level assessments that need to be completed as part of your course/s. These could be standardized assessment questions, assignments, rubrics, etc.
  • Review sample syllabi: It might be helpful to review syllabi from other instructors who also teach the same course to consider assignment and assessment ideas, as well as sequencing possibilities for meeting required objectives. These can help with ideas but remember to check with your department chair for any current required activities and/or assessments.
Canvas Resources
  • Login to Canvas: Your UWL email and password (plus Okta) will get you access to Canvas. You can find the Canvas login via the Canvas logo at the top of the UWL website, or you can go directly at
  • Learn about Canvas: Canvas is the Learning Management System at UWL. Knowing the basics of Canvas is important now. Students will expect some Canvas presence on the first day with increased information and assignments for the course as the semester goes along. At minimum, when your course starts it is recommended to have a course information module, the syllabus, and 1-2 weeks/module worth of content/materials/assignments. Enroll in this self-paced Instructor Orientation to Canvas to learn how and why to use various Canvas tools. Additional resources are available for instructors; it is worth paying particular attention to the introductory section
  • Consider using the Canvas Template: Building a course from scratch in Canvas is a lot of work. This optional template is provided as a resource so you can just plug in your course information rather than build a course from scratch. 
  • Use Canvas Support: You have access to 24/7 Canvas support. Click on the Help icon in Canvas to access chat or review this KB article to locate the phone number (UWL login required).
  • Search the Knowledge Base (KB for short): UWL uses a searching help document system called the Knowledge Base to share information about various campus-wide technologies. Tip: If you do a search from the UWL website, KB sites is one of the subcategory of results you choose to show.
Teaching Resources
  • Know your teaching schedule and classrooms: Obtain a copy of your teaching schedule with classroom assignments. The technology in each classroom is located on the classroom directory. If you need help with classroom technology, the Eagle Help Desk can assist – simply log a ticket, give them a call, or stop by. TIP: Check out the room before you teach in it! If you plan to use the computer, login to the computer before your first class since that does take a bit of time to configure upon first login.
  • Check out Murphy Library: Use your UWL email address to gain access to Murphy Library Resources. Use permalinks when sharing library resources with students.
  • Review the Learning Environment Survey (LENS): This is the student survey of instruction and is sent to students automatically at the end of each term. It might be helpful to review the instrument at the start of the term so you know and can plan for what aspects of teaching effectiveness students will be able to comment on at the end of the semester. Information about the LENS items as well as support information about the tenants of effective teaching that are asked about in the survey can be found on CATL LENS website.
  • Hold time on your calendar for professional development: CATL offers various opportunities throughout the semester to developing your teaching skills and knowledge. Scan the CATL Weekly (email newsletter) and review the upcoming events. Additional opportunities may be supported by your college and/or department. Be sure to block time off on your calendar now and as opportunities arise and you able to commit.
Departmental Information
  • Determine department communication preferences: Upon hiring you will be added to various email listservs based on your position. Learn how and when to connect with department-level colleagues.
  • Find out your mentor assignment/contact information: Same departments and colleges have mentoring programs, so be sure you are connected with this person to start that relationship.
  • Add department meetings to your calendar: Find out if you need to attend department meetings; if so, ask your department chair for the schedule.
  • Review and schedule observations: Learn about potential department opportunities or requirements for classroom observations so you can plan for that in your course schedule.
Students and Student Supports
  • Learn about our students: UWL attracts academically achieving students. A majority of our students are from WI or boarding states. Most of our students work in addition to going to school. Additional information about our students can be found.
  • Explore the resources related to Academic Integrity: Knowing the supports and information out there for students, including what is in the Code of Conduct, can help you craft your stance for course syllabi. 
  • Review support options available for students: You don’t need to know about all of these resources and what they do (that will come with time), but you do need to know that there are a variety of supports for students and the Campus Life website is a great place to start learning about some of the offices and supports. This same website is linked in every course syllabus.