College of Business Administration (CBA)
Silver Eagles Logo
Silver Eagles
As a part of the College of Business Administration’s 25th Anniversary celebration, the Silver Eagles Alumni Organization was created in 1996. The Silver Eagles uphold a tradition of duty to the College of Business Administration and service to the University of Wisconsin – La Crosse.
The organization provides scholarships along with various networking opportunities to the College of Business Administration students as they prepare for their career in business.
The mission of the Silver Eagles is to serve, support, and advance the goals of students, faculty, alumni, and friends of the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse College of Business Administration.
Message from the President
News & Events
March 6, 2025: Take an Eagle to Breakfast (TAETB)
Sponsorship details
March 13, 2025: March Board Meeting
September 4, 2025: September Board Meeting
October 2025: Family Weekend '25 Annual Meeting (date TBD)
Scholarship Information
2023-2024 Daniel Thiem $1,000 Helgeson SE CBA Scholarship
2023-2024 Alissa St. Louis $1,000 Silver Eagles Scholarship
2023-2024 Journey Malacina $1,000 Silver Eagles Scholarship
2023-2024 Zeina Battah $1,000 Silver Eagles Scholarship
2023-2024 Amanda Marshall $1,000 In Honor of Sara Olson
2022 Progress Report to Members on our Scholarship Efforts.pdf
2022-23 Scholarship Recipient Testimonials.pdf
Silver Eagles Guidelines
Board of Directors
Silver Eagles Board of Directors
Executive Committee
Mandi Hinrichs, '03, President
Mary Hericks, Vice President
Jennifer Walkowiak, Secretary
Greg Curti, '85, Treasurer
Joe Chilsen, '87, Past President
TJ Brooks, Dean
Additional Board Members
Joanna Binsfeld, '01
Dan Braund, '72
Joe Bucheger, '73
Steve Fleis, '74
Jeff Jensen, '70
Susan Pham, '88
David Ring, '84 & '95
Casey Severson, '19
Dan Wettstein, '73
Taggert Brooks, Dean CBA
University Contacts
Taggert Brooks CBA Dean
Jeff Meyer, Development Officer, Dean's Office - CBA
Silver Eagle Committees
Silver Eagles Committees
Governance Committee
This committee is a combination of the former bylaws and nominations committees and shall consist of at least three members of the Board, vice-president and the dean. The vice-president shall serve as the chairperson of the governance committee.
Mary Hericks - Chair
Taggert Brooks
Joanna Binsfeld
Greg Curti
David Ring
Marketing Committee
This committee shall consist of a chairperson from the Board, and at least two additional members of the Board, and a webmaster (does not have to be a member). This committee shall have membership, engagement, development and website subcommittees.
Mandi Hinrichs - Chair
Joe Bucheger
Joe Chilsen
Susan Pham
Casey Severson
Jennifer Walkowiak
Dan Wettstein, '73
CBA Staff- Webmaster
Scholarship Committee
This committee shall consist of the dean (or designee), the Board president (or designee), and at least three members of the Board of directors. The dean (or designee) shall chair the committee. The Silver Eagles Scholarship Committee only makes recommendations regarding awarding scholarships and the Alumni & Friends Foundation has the final approval for all scholarships.
Taggert Brooks - Chair
Joanna Binsfeld
Greg Curti
Steve Fleis
Jeff Jensen
Follow Us on Social Media!
We want you to be as updated as possible on what is happening with the CBA and Silver Eagles. Be sure to follow us on Facebook @UWLCBASilverEagles
Take an Eagle to Breakfast 2024
Upcoming Events
Take An Eagle To Breakfast (TAETB)
March 6, 2025
For more information and sponsorship options click here
For additional events, check out our events calendar:
Past Events
2023 Annual Meeting
2022 Annual Meeting
Please join the Silver Eagles for our 2022 annual meeting on Saturday, October 22 at the Cleary Alumni & Friends Center. If you are unable to attend in person please join us on Zoom. HERE.
Below you will find our 2022 Annual Meeting Agenda:
Annual Meeting
Allen Conference Room
Cleary Alumni & Friends Center
October 22, 2022
I. Call to Order 10:00 am
II. Approval of the Minutes
III. Treasurer’s Report
IV. Dean’s Comments
V. Report from the President
VI. Strategic Planning Report
- Approval of Strategic Planning Recommendations
VII. Report From Committees
- Scholarship Committee
- Ashley Butt - Silver Eagle Scholarship
- Esbeidy Guevara – Silver Eagle Scholarship
- Nicholas Litterer – Silver Eagle Scholarship
- Annika Zillisch – Marlin and Julie Helgeson Scholarship
- Nicholas Litterer – In honor of TJ by Marlin and Julie Helgeson
- Marketing Committee
- November Mixer
- Nominations(Governance) Committee
- Bylaws(Governance) Committee
- Discussion and Approval of Bylaw Changes
- Executive Committee
VIII. Election of New Board Members
- Mary Hericks
- Susan Pham
- David Ring
- Jennifer Walkowiak
IX. Discussion and Approval of Spring TAETB
- Ad-Hoc Committee Establishment
- February 22, 2022 (Ash Wednesday)
X. For the Good of the Order
XI. Adjournment
Other Past Events
Milwaukee Area – CBA Alumni Event
When: Wednesday, March 22, 2017
Where: Colliers International
CBA Golf Challenge
When: Friday, June 10, 2016
Where: Trappers Turn Golf Club, Wisconsin Dells, WI
Distinguished Lecture Series - Bryan R. McKeag
When: Monday, April 11, 2016
Where: Stzrelczyk Great Hall, Cleary Alumni & Friends Center
For Details: See Flyer
Madison Area - CBA Alumni Event
When: Wednesday, April 13, 2016
Where: The Craftsman Table and Tap
Chicago Area - CBA Alumni Event
When: Thursday, April 14, 2016
Where: Formento's
Milwaukee Area - CBA Alumni Event
When: Thursday, November 12, 2015
Where: Wicked Hop
Twin Cities Area - CBA Alumni Event
When: Wednesday, November 18, 2015
Where: Surly Brewing Co.
The Greater UWL CBA Golf Challenge
When: Friday, June 5, 2015
Where: Trappers Turn Golf Club, Wisconsin Dells, WI
For details or to register: CBA Golf Challenge
Alumni Chicago - After Work Social
When: Thursday, March 26, 2015, 6:00-8:00 PM
Where: The Bedford - 1612 West Division Street (at Ashland Avenue) - Chicago, IL 60622
Alumni Milwaukee Area - After-Work Social
When: Wednesday, March 25, 2015, 6:00-8:00 PM
Where: Delafield Brewhaus - 3832 Hillside Drive - Delafield, WI 53018
Alumni Twin Cities Area - After Work Social
When : Wednesday, November 12, 2014, 6:00-8:00 PM
Where: The Liffey - 175 7th St W - St. Paul, MN 55102
Alumni Madison - After Work Social
When : Wednesday, November 5, 2014, 6:00-8:00 PM
Where: Old Sugar Distillery - 631 East Main Street - Madison, WI
Distinguished Lecture Series - Dan Saftig
When : Thursday, October 16, 2014
Where: Cameron Hall of Nations, Centennial Hall
For details: flyer
The Greater UWL CBA Golf Challenge
When: Friday, June 6, 2014
Where: Trappers Turn Golf Club, Wisconsin Dells, WI
For more information see the flyer
Alumni Twin Cities Area - After-Work Social
When: Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Where: Kieran's Irish Pub - 85 6th St. N. - Minneapolis, MN 55403
Alumni Chicago - After Work Social
When: Thursday, March 27, 2014
Where: Richter Studios - 1143 W. Rundell Place - Chicago, IL 60607
Alumni Milwaukee - After Work Social
When: Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Where: TGI Friday's in Miller Park - 1 Brewers Way - Milwaukee, WI