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Record number of students in UW-L's School Psychology Program to present posters at NASP convention.

Posted 9:05 a.m. Thursday, Sept. 23, 2010

[caption id="attachment_1273" align="alignright" width="70" caption="10 UW-L graduate students to present posters at national convention. "]NASP Conference Logo. [/caption] Ten graduate students of 12 in UW-L's School Psychology Program applied for and have received approval to present posters at the annual National Association of School Psychologist Convention. This is the largest number in the UW-L program to ever be accepted. Students and their topics are:
  • Michelle Anderson — "Factors of Resiliency and Depression in Adolescents"
  • Kelly Blackburn — "Parent Involvement Within Hmong Families"
  • Angela Goethel — "Parent, Teacher, and Self Perceptions of Gifted Students Social Skills"
  • Maureen Hampton — "Social Predictors of Adolescent Involvement in Relational Aggression"
  • Melanie Hill — "Grading Practices Differences in Secondary Teachers"
  • Ashley Morris — "The Impacts of Parental Attachment and Gender on Cyberbullying"
  • Emilie Ratter — "Reactive Attachment Disorder: A Needs Assessment of School Psychologists' Knowledge"
  • Stephanie Sabinash — "Differences in the Multicultural Competence of School Psychologists"
  • Marie Schmidt — "Student-Teacher Relationships: Examining Connections to Relational Aggression"
  • Raechel Torf — "Knowledge and Skills of School Psychologists Regarding Cognitive Behavior Therapy"
The conference will be held Feb. 22-25, 2011, in San Francisco. Find out more about UW-L's School Psychology Graduate Program at


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