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Journal Citation Reports - Webinar

Posted p.m. Monday, March 30, 2015

Faculty/staff: learn to gauge the impact of publications with Journal Citation Reports.

Journal Citation Reports Webinar Training

Open to all faculty & staff. Bring your lunch.

Date: April 7, 2015 Time: Noon - 1:00 p.m Place: Institute for Campus Excellence (ICE). 150 Murphy Library Host: Jenifer Holman, Electronic Resources/Periodicals Librarian, Murphy Library Guest: Tracy Matthews, Thomson Customer Trainer Learn how to gauge the impact of your work and the work of others with Journal Citation Reports and Essential Science Indicators. Journal Citation Reports offers a systematic, objective means to critically evaluate the world's leading journals with indicators based on citation data. Essential Science Indicators helps you to determine the influential individuals, institutions, papers, publications, and countries in their field of study — as well as emerging research areas that could impact research today. In this session, learn how to:
  • Determine a journal’s rank in a subject category
  • View Impact Factor trends for a journal
  • Identify the short-term impact of a journal with the Immediacy Index
  • View rankings for highly-cited institutions by discipline
  • Discover influential papers in your research field
