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School of Education’s new learning studio provides high-tech connections

Posted 9:49 p.m. Tuesday, June 18, 2013

UW-L’s new Collaborative Learning Center is easing collaboration among UW-L faculty and pre-K-12 teachers.

[caption id="attachment_24125" align="alignright" width="550"]Associate Professor Jennifer Kosiak lecturing in the new Collaborative Learning Center. A multiple video conferencing system in UW-L's new Collaborative Learning Center allows Associate Professor Jennifer Kosiak to speak to 70 teachers — about half learning remotely in northern Wisconsin.[/caption] “Seamless and smooth” is how UW-L Assistant Professor of Math Jenni McCool describes the UW-L School of Education’s newest learning space. From the tiny ceiling microphones to a multiple video conferencing system, UW-L’s new Collaborative Learning Center is easing collaboration among UW-L faculty and pre-K-12 teachers. McCool and Jennifer Kosiak, associate professor of math, are teaching about 70 pre-K-12 grade teachers common core state standards for mathematics June 17-21 and again in August. About half the teachers tune in virtually from a location hundreds of miles away in the CESA 8 region in northeastern Wisconsin. McCool says the high-tech space eliminates problems associated with the cost of bringing a group of 70 to UW-L with a limited amount of grant funding. [caption id="attachment_24134" align="alignright" width="300"]A group of pre-K-12 teachers discuss education standards during a workshop at UW-L's new Collaborative Learning Center. A group of pre-K-12 teachers discuss education standards during a workshop at UW-L's new Collaborative Learning Center.[/caption] “Without this classroom, I don’t think we could do it,” she says. These training sessions are some of the first offered in the studio and will support pre-K-12 teachers in preparation for the common core state standards for mathematics. It’s just one of the many ways the school is using the teacher training space, which opened in mid-May on the second floor of Murphy Library. “This new and innovative space allows us to provide the latest technology and classroom resources to the students in our program and also share knowledge and innovation with communities and schools throughout the world via a virtual connection,” says Marcie Wycoff-Horn, director of UW-L’s School of Education. UW-L’s Collaborative Learning Studio features multiple video conferencing systems that allow students and faculty to connect and collaborate with area schools as well as students, teachers and presenters from all over the globe. The space includes the latest in teacher education tools, such as SMART Boards, SMART tables, iPads and lecture capture to support a blended or flipped learning environment. The equipment in the studio was acquired with funding from a Wisconsin Technology Initiative grant for $75,000 in April 2012. “The dual screens are wonderful,” says McCool. “People on site and at the remote site can see the content we are presenting and we can see them — it’s almost like they are here with us.”


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