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UW-L 100 in Paris

Posted 9:31 p.m. Friday, Jan. 27, 2012

[caption id="attachment_9111" align="alignright" width="240" caption="Sharie Brunk, Amy McCubbins, Olivia Cody and Samantha Vanriper are pictured inside the Catacombs, a space below the city of Paris where bones from cemeteries were relocated in the 18th Century."]Sharie Brunk, Amy McCubbins, Olivia Cody and Samantha Vanriper are pictured inside the Catacombs, a space below the city of Paris where bones from cemeteries were relocated in the 18th Century.[/caption]They encountered the most wonderful chocolate-covered crepes and the ever-present smell of cigarette smoke on city streets. UW-L freshmen saw Paris from the Eiffel Tower above to the Catacombs below. Studying abroad during winter intersession is a new option for students in UW-L 100 — a one-credit course designed to enhance the transition to college for first-year students. This January four freshmen along with Sharie Brunk, senior academic adviser, and English Professor Darci Thoune went to Paris and took a side trip to London. Students received two credits, a grade and the opportunity to study abroad a little earlier in their college career, says Brunk. “I most definitely want to study abroad again,” says UW-L student Olivia Cody who went on the trip. “I learn so much … It gives you another prospective that you can't get unless you travel and live in another culture.” Students were required to research the sites they would visit and blog about them afterward. Trips included locations such as the Louvre Museum, Notre Dame Cathedral, Marie Antoinette’s farm house and Buckingham Palace. They found a wonderful bakery with French baguettes and ate at French restaurants — one with a not-so-friendly waiter. “I learned a lot about people on this trip. I learned that everyone could be a little more understanding when someone is in a place they’re not used to — or cannot understand,” says Cody. “I will try harder now to help people who don't have English as their first language and are trying to vacation or live in the U.S.” [caption id="attachment_9114" align="alignleft" width="320" caption="These gargoyles are at the base of the roof of the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris."]These gargoyles are at the base of the roof of the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris.[/caption]Students were introduced to the idea of global citizenship, learned to navigate in a new culture, and compare and contrast cultural norms. “We discussed everything that happened,” noted Brunk. Students were also required to read a book about Paris and write a report when they returned. To learn more about UW-L 100 study abroad contact one of the co-advisers: Brunk at or Jo Arney at Read more about the trip: Sharie's blog. Darci's blog.


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