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Ice sculpture warming viewers up to art

Posted 4:19 p.m. Friday, Dec. 5, 2014

An ice sculpture by Madison Hager, ’14, is attracting attention on the field north of the Fine Arts Center.

[caption id="attachment_38042" align="alignnone" width="770"]Photo of ice sculpture. This ice sculpture by Madison Hager, ’14, is attracting attention on the field north of the Fine Arts Center.[/caption] Walking across campus, it’s pretty hard to miss seeing the ice family on the field north of the Fine Arts Center. That’s one of the reasons for the work — to help people take notice of art. Madison Hager, who graduated with a degree in art earlier this year, says the idea for the ice sculpture came from an assignment a year ago from Art Associate Professor John Ready’s intermediate sculpture class. Those in the class were asked to create works using practices from a well known artist. Hager chose British Sculptor Andy Goldsworthy with a work that’s sure to capture attention. “I wanted to do a public work of art because I have found that the average person doesn't go into an art gallery very often if at all,” explains Hager. “Also, to raise awareness for the arts we have to bring art into the world.” Hager, who crafts mainly sculpture and installation drawings, says she did a similar sculpture last December, and another one last month in her hometown of Berlin. She plans to do another outside sculpture next month, weather permitting. Hager, who works at Christian Chapel Daycare, will have to change her type of sculpture when she heads to grad school. She’s hoping to be accepted the University of California-Berkley where, obviously, ice sculpture won’t work.    


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