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Find your future career: UW-L’s Career Expo is Feb. 22

Posted 8:58 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 16, 2012

Polish up your resume and get ready to make an impression. UW-L’s Spring 2012 Career Expo will run from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 22, in Valhalla, Cartwright Center – Gunning Addition. More than 50 employers will be available to meet students and discuss employment opportunities. They will be coming from the Twin Cities, Madison, Milwaukee and other Midwestern cities. The event is geared toward students seeking internships and full-time employment relating to their major. Students are strongly encouraged to dress professionally and bring multiple copies of their resumes. New this year, employer signs at booths will feature QR Codes, allowing students and alumni to view company websites for more detailed information. Also the Career Expo will also feature a Twitter hashtag, #UWLExpo12 for students and employers to follow. Employers and attendees are encouraged to tweet about job information, fun facts and other experiences at the event. "We are attempting to make the event more accessible and fun with the use of technology this year," says Lore Vang, UW-L employer relations coordinator. "Students won't want to miss this chance to meet area employers, explore opportunities and potentially find their future career."


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