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Students say ‘thank you’ to those who give back to UW-L

Posted 4:57 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 26, 2015

Thank you card 2015. Photos by Sue Lee, University Communications, 608.785.8497,
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Thank you card 2015. Photos by Sue Lee, University Communications, 608.785.8497, Read more →

UW-L students turned out Feb. 17 and 18 to sign a giant thank you card to donors who have given back to UW-L and its students.

[caption id="attachment_4725" align="alignleft" width="350"]Image of Katherine Svitavsky signing the thank you. Katherine Svitavsky, UW-L political science and public administration major.[/caption] UW-La Crosse student Katherine Svitavsky wanted to say thank you “because it’s literally the least I can do.” The UW-L political science and public administration major is grateful for the investment donors have made in her UW-L education, as well as the quality of the education she is receiving. “I really value the education I’ve gotten here,” she says. “This university has given me so many opportunities.” UW-L students turned out Feb. 17 and 18 to sign a giant thank-you card to donors who have given back to UW-L and its students. The UW-L Alumni Association and Foundation hosted the card signing for the Council for Advancement and Support of Education’s third annual Student Engagement and Philanthropy Month. "Universities across the nation and world are participating in Student Engagement and Philanthropy Month by hosting events like this to get students more engaged in the philanthropy process," says UW-L Alumni Engagement Coordinator Emma Sutkay. "I don't think students always get the opportunity to thank donors for all that they provide, so this event gives them the chance to do so." Svitavsky was saying thank you to a few donors in particular. While at UW-L, she has received the Maurice and Elizabeth Graff Scholarship, the Joseph P. Heim Scholarship and the Richard Lindblad Scholarship, totaling $3,000. The boost helps ease her student loan debt worries. Svitavsky isn’t alone in her financial concerns. Among students who came to UW-L as freshmen and graduated in 2013-14, 67 percent had student loan debt. The average amount was about $26,000. [caption id="attachment_4728" align="alignleft" width="350"]Image of male college student signing the thank you. The card signing was part of the Council for Advancement and Support of Education’s third annual Student Engagement and Philanthropy Month.[/caption] “I’m one of the lucky ones who’s received a lot of help through scholarships,” she says. “If I didn’t have the scholarships, it would be difficult for me to be here.” And being at UW-L is important to Svitavsky. When she initially came to UW-L, Svitavsky had doubts about finding her fit. Jo Arney, associate professor of political science and public administration, encouraged her to stick it out and take more courses in her field of interest. She joined Arney in research related to environmental policy. Soon, Svitavsky found her niche. This is her third year as a member of the La Crosse City Council, a position where she has relied on faculty members to help her understand complex topics like tax increment financing. She’s also a residence hall assistant in a wing of Sanford Hall that is dedicated to volunteering and service learning. The group picks a new organization in the community to volunteer for each month from WisCorps to WAFER. Svitavsky says her professors embody the Wisconsin Idea, and they’ve inspired to serve her community too. All of that wouldn’t have happened without the support she’s received — at UW-L and from generous donors. “Saying thank you is a tiny way to pay back people for all they’ve done for me,” she says.

More thanks …

[caption id="attachment_4727" align="alignright" width="600"]From left, Junior Carlie Wipperfurth, therapeutic recreation; Sophomore Ellie Wiseman, clinical lab sciences; and Junior Andrea Roloff, business management. They pose with the thank you card after signatures were collected for two days. From left, Junior Carlie Wipperfurth, therapeutic recreation; Sophomore Ellie Wiseman, clinical lab sciences; and Junior Andrea Roloff, business management. They pose with the thank you card after signatures were collected for two days.[/caption] Although Senior Brandon Rentmeester, a biology major, is busy studying biomedical science and chemistry, a Gordon Jazz scholarship has allowed him to keep making music throughout his four years at UW-L. He says he’s “immensely thankful for donors” who’ve allowed him to do that. Riley Buley, a UW-L senior biology major with an emphasis in aquatic sciences, says a scholarship has not only helped him financially — it’s given him distinction and recognition in his field. “None of this would have been possible without the contributions of others. This is why I give donors my sincerest gratitude for their continued support to UW-L,” he says. [caption id="attachment_4726" align="alignleft" width="600"]Shellady Udoni signing the thank you. “Not everyone has the opportunity to go to college. I’m really blessed that I have the means to do so with the help of generous people,” says Shellady Udoni, a senior and interpersonal communications major.[/caption]


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