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Read journals on your tablet

Posted 4:14 p.m. Monday, Nov. 18, 2013

Try out the new app for browsing library journals on iPads, and other tablets.

BrowZineDo you have a tablet? Do you read academic journals? Then check out BrowZine, a new tablet app that allows people to browse, read, and monitor many of the library’s scholarly journals. Murphy Library is running a trial of BrowZine through December 10, 2013. After you've given it a try, please let us know what you think so we can better decide if we should consider a campus subscription.
What can you do with BrowZine?
  • Easily read complete scholarly journals in a format that is optimized for tablet devices
  • Create a personal bookshelf of favorite journals
  • Be alerted when new editions of journals are published
  • Easily save to Zotero, MendeleyDropbox and other services
A two-minute video describing how BrowZine works is available at To install the free app for the trial, search for “BrowZine” in the app stores (Apple, Google, Amazon) and download BrowZine. When initially launching BrowZine, select “University of Wisconsin-La Crosse” from the drop down list. Then, enter your campus netID/password, the same as when logging in to library resources from off campus. Don't forget to help the library decide if it should subscribe to BrowZine by completing the Electronic Resources Trial Evaluation form. Questions? Contact Jen Holman, electronic resources/periodicals librarian.
