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Dr. Shevaun Watson and the Information Cycle

Posted 6:50 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 10, 2019

The UWL Department of English and Murphy Library present two workshops by Dr. Shevaun Watson for faculty and students on the information cycle and the importance of learning to navigate the world of information today. 

Faculty Workshop
Staying Afloat: Teaching Research When Students are Drowning in a Sea of Information
When: October 30th from 4-5 p.m.
Where: Murphy 150

Teaching research skills has never been so important or challenging. The abundance of information, ease of access, and speed of circulation all, ironically, make it much harder for students to understand and work with the information they do find. This workshop will orient instructors to these challenges, and provide new concepts and strategies for teaching research processes in their courses.

Student Workshop
When Too Much Information Might be a Bad Thing: Some Tips and Tricks for Facing Research Challenges Today
When: October 30th from 6-7 p.m.
Where: Murphy 150

News Flash! Doing research today is actually harder, not easier, than it used to be. Students have access to more information and research tools than ever before, but these are complicating, not simplifying, the research process. Come learn some new strategies for understanding and navigating the expanding universe of information today.

About Dr. Watson

Dr. Shevaun Watson is Associate Professor and Director of Composition at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee where she teaches first-year writing and undergraduate and graduate courses in rhetorical history, writing studies, and rhetoric and culture. Her scholarship focuses on critical information literacy and teaching research-based writing in composition and communication courses. Her co-authored article, “Revising the “One-Shot” through Lesson Study: Collaborating with Writing Faculty to Rebuild a Library Instruction Session”, published in College and Research Libraries, was recognized as a “Top Twenty Article” by the American Library Association. 


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Murphy Library, Room 118
