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Well Wisconsin June Resources

Posted 4:18 p.m. Wednesday, May 26, 2021

UWL Students

We are now approaching our summer months. Hopefully, everyone has a chance to refresh outdoors during the summer. Attached is the Well Wisconsin June resources..


Attachment: the June newsletter

Please look to see what is happening in June with the Well Wisconsin program.

Employer-Sponsored Activity

Attachment: June Employer-Sponsored Activity - Wisconsin Strong Financial Challenge

The material attached is for the pre-approved employer-sponsored activity listed in the newsletter for June. This month we are encouraging everyone to get financially fit by accessing the Wisconsin Strong program. We have attached the information sheet to share with employees. You do not need to collect anything for this challenge. Once they complete the assessment they will be given the activation code which is FINFIT21

Well Wisconsin Radio

Attachment: June Well Wisconsin Radio Flyer.

Please feel free to advertise the program that will air on June 22 at noon. Just a reminder, participants will need to listen to 2 Well Wisconsin Radio shows in order to get credit. They do not have to listen to them live in order to get credit. The code will be announced during the program.

Please reach out with any questions. Have a great weekend.


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