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Department of Theatre Arts

Posted 4:57 p.m. Monday, Oct. 22, 2012

Theatre Arts performs ‘Mirror of the Invisible World’

The production showcases storytelling by seven beautiful princesses as they impart their mystical stories to their beloved King Bahram Gur. “Mirror of the Invisible World” runs at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 25, through Saturday, Oct. 27. A matinee performance is at 2 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 28. All performances will be in Toland Theatre, Center for the Arts. Tickets are $4 UW-L students, $12 for senior citizens and non-UW-L students, and $14 for others. For more information visit the box office in the Center for the Arts or call 785.8522.

Explore theatre at UW-L

UW-L offers Theatre Arts as a major, a minor or an extra-curricular activity. Majors and minors can emphasize performance, design/tech, theatre management, or music theatre. The department produces a 6-play season. Upcoming performances for the 2012-13 season include "All in the Timing," "These Shining Lives," "Spring Awakening," "Lilly's Purple Plastic Purse" and "Big Love." Find more details on the upcoming season. The Department of Theatre Arts invites students to audition, volunteer or sign-up for class credit for production work. Most auditions are cold readings (nothing to prepare) and backstage work is always available. Learn more about the Department of Theatre Arts.


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