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TRIAL - bX: Article Recommendation Service for GetTeXt

Posted 8:53 a.m. Tuesday, Feb. 2, 2010

bX, an article recommendation service that works with GetTeXT is now live for a month-long trial.

bX Article Recommendation Menu

What is bX? bX is a new scholarly article recommender service that provides researchers with recommendations about articles based on the researcher’s area of interest. This service will aid researchers in finding additional relevant articles. bX is similar to the “More Like This” or “If You Liked This, You’ll Also Like …” services on consumer web sites such as Amazon, but it is based on article usage by nearly 2,000 users at research institutions around the world. The University of Wisconsin System libraries have access to a free trial of bX through February 2010. To access the trial, simply use the GetTeXt Button as usual and scroll down to the “ Users interested in this article also expressed an interest in the following:” section of the menu. What does Bx stand for? Nothing, absolutely nothing! What if nothing is recommended? This is still a relatively new service and not every article will have recommendations. Try it out yourself: How do I provide feedback? Please provide feedback on this service at
