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More Flexibility with Telecommuting Options

Posted 10:16 a.m. Tuesday, Feb. 22, 2022

UWL Computer

Effective March 1, 2022, the University will permit more flexibility when considering telecommuting options for employees who may request it.

Effective March 1, 2022, the University will permit more flexibility when considering telecommuting options for employees who may request it.  Communications will be sent to supervisors the week of February 28, 2022, announcing training opportunities on how to effectively manage remote employees, as well as how to administer the approval of telecommuting requests.  Please note, your division leader will communicate with directors and unit managers about the specific rollout for your division. 

Additional training will be provided to employees throughout the remainder of the Spring 2022 Semester. 

UWL recognizes the evolving workforce reflected in the labor marketplace and is committed to a renewed interest in maximizing operational efficiency. To meet the changing needs of UWL, the university permits remote work arrangements for employees when their position is suitable for such operations.  Human Resources, supervisors, and employees will be required to collaborate and develop workplace expectations surrounding on-campus, hybrid, or full telecommuting working environments. These conversations should include:

  • Establishing expected hours of work/schedule. For instance, if an employee is actively caring for a child or family member, any proposed remote work schedule should reflect that time spent in this activity is not considered work time and appropriate leave should be used during those times.
  • Balancing employee presence in virtual and on-site meetings. Supervisors should establish clear expectations on how employees should participate in meetings. Microsoft Teams or Zoom should continue to be used to provide all meeting attendees the opportunity to participate.
  • Establishing expectations for focused, uninterrupted time for completing job responsibilities and attending meetings. If an employee is unable to set boundaries for work time, then the employee is expected to use leave.
  • Establishing/confirming performance management expectations and metrics of monitoring work performance and ensuring accountability. Supervisors will be required to undergo annual training to help support and maintain appropriate measures for accountability.

Below are additional policies and resources to help better understand and guide the process of approving a telecommuting request. 

For more information, visit the UWL Telecommuting page: 


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