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Recent graduates: What are you up to?

Posted 8:28 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 29, 2014

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Any UW-L graduates from Dec. 2013 – Aug. 2014 are encouraged to share what they’re up to via a graduate survey on the UW-L Career Services website.

Career Services compiles report on status of recent graduates

UW-L graduates from December 2013 – August 2014 are encouraged to share what they’re up to via a graduate survey on the UW-L Career Services website. Have you accepted employment or a spot in a graduate or professional school program? Are you in public service? The military? Are you traveling the world? Taking time off to apply to grad school? Seeking employment and need assistance? The survey is an opportunity to provide an update about what you are doing or how the university can help. Take the survey. Each year Career Services publishes a report on the status of recent graduates. The report provides information on the numbers of graduates going on for additional education, those employed or still seeking employment and the average salaries of graduates. No information is provided on individual graduates. These reports can be seen on the UW-L Career Services website.


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