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New Interface for IEEE Xplore

Posted 10:56 a.m. Wednesday, Feb. 24, 2010

As of 2/24/2010, IEEE Xplore has a new interface. From the vendor: <blockquote>A brand new interface, enhanced search engine and better personalization tools let you explore IEEE’s more than two million documents of trusted research easier and faster—with better results. “This major upgrade marks a milestone in the evolution of the IEEE Xplore digital library, enabling our customers to truly discover an altogether smarter research experience,” said Karen Hawkins, IEEE Director of Product Management. You can now spend less time finding research and more time developing better products and pioneering technology.</blockquote> Search help: <ul> <li><strong><a href=""> Search Tips</a></strong></li> <li><strong><a href=";sid=8750478&amp;m=940146&amp;u=IEEE&amp;s=">Search Tutorial</a></strong></li> </ul>
