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Chia-Chen Yu to receive Murphy recognition award

Posted 9:15 p.m. Friday, April 20, 2012

The Eugene W. Murphy Library Special Recognition Award for 2012 will be presented to Professor Chia-Chen Yu, Exercise and Sport Science, during a program and reception at 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 1, in the Special Collections and Area Research Center, 156 Murphy Library. The public is invited.

[caption id="attachment_11474" align="alignright" width="134" caption="Professor Chia-Chen Yu is the recipient of The Eugene W. Murphy Library Special Recognition Award for 2012."]Photo of Yu.[/caption] The Eugene W. Murphy Library Special Recognition Award for 2012 will be presented to Professor Chia-Chen Yu, Exercise and Sport Science, during a program and reception at 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 1, in the Special Collections and Area Research Center, 156 Murphy Library. The public is invited. The Murphy Award, established in 1986 in cooperation with the UW-L Foundation, recognizes notable contributions to the library's mission and program. Over many years, Yu has been a strong partner and advocate for Murphy Library. She served many years on the Faculty Senate Library Committee, notably chairing the committee for three terms beginnining 2001-02. As chair in 2006-07 and 2007-08, she had a central role in developing a proposal for library differential funding eventually approved by the student body. This led to significant Academic Initiatives funding to extend student access to e-resources and expand library hours beginning fall semester 2010. The result has been a major improvement in the library learning environment for students in all disciplines. During her years as chair, the Faculty Senate Library Committee developed resolutions passed by both faculty and student senates articulating the rationale for increased library funding for acquisitions. This campus support was a factor in UW System Board of Regents approval for UW libraries legislative funding as part of the 2009-11 biennial budget request. Yu greatly values students receiving information literacy instruction to develop research proficiencies. As a teacher she consistently has worked with librarians to build this important library component into her upper level Exercise and Sport Science classes. As the 2001-02 chair of the Faculty Senate Library Committee, she was a proponent of integrating information literacy into the general education curriculum. The Faculty Senate Library committee during this year also worked closely with Murphy Library in exploring the possibility of a library coffee shop. This led to the introduction of the highly popular Murphy’s Mug several years later. Everyone is invited to the free celebration.


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