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Murphy Award goes to Anita Evans and Larry Lebiecki

Posted 9:58 a.m. Tuesday, Oct. 7, 2014

Program and reception at 7:00 p.m., Tuesday, October 7.

[caption id="attachment_1671" align="alignright" width="208"]Evans and Lebiecki Anita Evans and Larry Lebiecki[/caption] Join colleagues and friends to honor Anita Evans and Larry Lebiecki as they receive the Eugene W. Murphy Library Special Recognition Award! The program and reception take place at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 7, in the Special Collections and Area Research Center, 156 Murphy Library. The program is free and open to all.
Evans started her career at UW-L in 1987 as electronic services librarian. She held many critical roles in the library, eventually serving as library director from 1996 until her retirement in 2012. Lebiecki, a 1962 UW-L alumnus, returned to campus in 1968 and began a career that ended in 2002 when he retired as assistant chancellor of Administrative Services.
Evans and Lebiecki are being honored for their many contributions to Murphy Library, which include, in part, accomplishments in their professional roles on campus, notable service to the library, contributions of numerous photography collections of campus events, and generous financial contributions to the Murphy Library Endowment Fund, as well to the UW-L Foundation.
An example of their generosity and commitment was seen when Evans and Lebiecki were married in 1997. The reception was held on campus and in lieu of gifts, donations were made to the Murphy Library Endowment Fund and the General Campus Endowment Fund.
