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Posted 3:37 p.m. Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Alumni parents return to old college stomping grounds for new student registration.

Alumni parents return to old college stomping grounds for new student registration

During nine days in June, UWL welcomed new, first-year students to campus for Student Advising, Registration and Transition (START). Among the group were UWL alumni parents, proudly showing off their old stomping grounds to sons and daughters. “I’ve shown her the football stadium and I took her up to Grandad Bluff. We tooled around downtown a bit too,” says Eric Baranczyk, ’98, who was visiting from Green Bay with his daughter Kayleigh Baranczyk. “It’s a very beautiful and welcoming campus,” added Kayleigh. “I like that it is not too big — not too scary.” The UWL Alumni Association handed out stickers to help identify alumni parents in the crowd. Here is what a few had to say about their time on campus and what it’s like to see their child attend their alma mater. [caption id="attachment_5577" align="alignright" width="250"]Kristine (Parkins) Gehri, ’89 & ’93, and daughter Arika Gehri, of Oshkosh. Kristine (Parkins) Gehri and daughter, Arika Gehri.[/caption] Kristine (Parkins) Gehri, ’89 & ’93, and daughter, Arika Gehri, of Oshkosh Q: What do you remember most from your time at UWL? How friendly the people are that you meet. One of my best friends is one of the first people I met on the first day at UWL, Karen (Haslam) Rick. I was asking where the drinking fountain was, and she said, “You mean the bubbler.” We hit it off after that. She is now one of my godparents for all of my girls. Q: What is it like to see your daughter come to UWL?  It’s mixed. I’m happy she is coming here. Both my husband and I went here, and it’s exciting to be back. I had such a good time here and I hope she does too. But it’s also sad that she is going away to college. -------- [caption id="attachment_5575" align="alignleft" width="250"]Eric Baranczyk, ’98, and daughter Kayleigh Baranczyk, of Green Bay. Eric Baranczyk and daughter Kayleigh Baranczyk.[/caption] Eric Baranczyk, ’98, and daughter Kayleigh Baranczyk, of Green Bay Q: What do you remember most from your time at UWL? I remember feeling very included in the classroom. Classes weren’t overly large. They made you feel welcome — like you were part of the class — not just in it. I also thought my advisor pushed enough to keep me on track, but was not overbearing. The atmosphere in general was about not just graduating, but being successful. Q: What is it like to see your child come to UWL? Very fulfilling. I feel very proud. I am confident that she’ll have a similar experience to what I had. --------- [caption id="attachment_5579" align="alignright" width="250"]Mike Hamilton and daughter Abby Hamilton. Mike Hamilton and daughter Abby Hamilton.[/caption] Mike Hamilton, ’89, and daughter, Abby Hamilton, of Appleton Q: What do you remember most from your time at UWL?  The beauty of the bluffs, river, and campus — and the ability to enjoy all of that, as well as the great academic environment. Q: What is it like to see your daughter come here? Surreal. It makes me feel old, but, at the same time, I’m very proud of her and what she’s been able to accomplish. ----- [caption id="attachment_5582" align="alignleft" width="250"]Doris Crandall and son Tommy Crandall. Doris Crandall and son Tommy Crandall.[/caption] Doris Crandall, ’90, and son Tommy Crandall, of Hillsboro Q: What do you remember most from your time at UWL? I worked full time when I went to school, so I remember coming to class and being tired. I worked at The Company Store. Q: What is it like to see your child come to UWL? It makes me feel really old! ------ [caption id="attachment_5586" align="alignright" width="250"]Eileen Wiltinger and daughter Julia Wiltinger. Eileen Wiltinger and daughter Julia Wiltinger.[/caption] Eileen Wiltinger, ’89, and daughter Julia Wiltinger, of La Crosse Q: What do you remember most from your time at UWL? Some of the groups I was in. I was in the AMA [American Marketing Association]. I remember the comradery and the fun we had. We went New Orleans one year for a national conference, which was a sounding board to my career. I’m in retail today. Q: What is it like to see your child come to UWL? It’s fun. I’m happy to be able to share the experiences I had with her, and I think it’s an awesome college.


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