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Posted 11:32 a.m. Thursday, Jan. 28, 2021
Anne Galbraith
Favorite class to teach
A three-way tie: Genetics, Human Molecular Genetics and Advanced Genetics. You may sense a “theme.”
Favorite class in college
Too many favorites so this is long!
Of course I loved my Genetics class, but I also loved Developmental Biology where we watched medaka fish develop in their clear eggs until they hatched. In Advanced Physiology I got to do surgery on a rat while my “anesthesiologist” lab partner kept the rat sedated.
I also loved Ecology, which had a lab where we took local field trips and did fieldwork.
And, I enjoyed what I learned in my Intro to Political Science class, even though I was pregnant that semester and often had to fight off waves of morning sickness during that 8 a.m. class.
But probably my most favorite was Theories of Personality Development, a psychology course covering theories that try to explain why we end up the way we do. People’s behaviors have always fascinated me, and this was a class that discussed explanations for those behaviors. Super cool!
I don’t remember any classes that I really hated because I loved school. As a first-generation college student, I was thrilled to be in college.
Galbraith says her new lab is her favorite place on campus. “It is a great place to go when I don’t want to sit in my office, and there are lots of fun people who work there, faculty and students alike.”
Class you’d like to retake
I took an immunology class when we hardly knew anything about immunology. I would love to sit in on immunology at UWL, maybe someday when I have time, which probably means when I retire.
Favorite spot on campus
I love my new lab. It is a great place to go when I don’t want to sit in my office, and there are lots of fun people who work there, faculty and students alike.
Favorite pastime when not working
I love hiking (or snowshoeing) pretty much anywhere beautiful. There are lots of options in La Crosse.
Tent camping in places not too populated, even if that means bathroom facilities are, shall we say, “primitive.” I also enjoy gardening very much, both for food and flowers. I’m “that person” near campus who has too many flowers in her yard. But they are so pretty, and it also saves on mowing.
Favorite place to visit
Yellowstone National Park, although I haven’t been there for almost a decade. There is something for everyone there and once you’ve seen the tourist attractions, there are tons of places to see natural beauty and wildlife without running into a lot of other people. I love my job, don’t get me wrong, but when I travel, I prefer to go where I don’t have to interact with people so much since that is what I do all day at work.
What else?
I always have to brag about my two adult daughters (my “F1s”). The oldest is married to her high school sweetheart and lives in the Minneapolis area with their three awesome kids (my “F2s”) and two dogs (“fur F2s”). The youngest graduated from UWL in spring 2020 with a degree in Environmental Chemistry and works in the Minneapolis area where she lives with her dog (my third “fur F2”) and a best friend/roommate. I am super proud of both.