Posted 8:05 a.m. Friday, Dec. 2, 2022

Third-annual giving day sets record for donors, dollars raised
Two thousand donors contributed more than $355,000 during One Day for UWL Oct. 18 and 19, making it the university’s most successful giving day yet.
Alumni, employees, students and friends of UWL teamed up to support a variety of campus causes: scholarships, research, academic programming, athletics and more.
At the end of 24 hours, UWL had comfortably eclipsed its two previous giving days, both in number of donors and dollars raised.
“I think it went really, really well,” says Taylor Wilmoth, assistant director for strategic engagement. “We smashed our goal of 1,400 donors, which was incredible. And we had a great celebration and presence on campus, which was really exciting.”
Wilmoth noted strong support for a number of areas, including the School of Visual and Performing Arts, the College of Business Administration, the Archaeology and Anthropology Department, Rec Sports and Athletics.
The 2,005 donors came from 39 states and all walks of life. The largest donor demographic was parents and families, followed by alumni, employees, students and friends.
There was a significant increase in student donors, which Wilmoth says is critical to creating a culture of philanthropy at UWL.
GoLD (graduates of the last decade) donors also gave at a higher rate than previous years.
After pandemic-adapted festivities in 2020 and 2021, this year’s event had a much larger in-person component. Activities included a UWL “Cash Cab” trivia game, a lunch and celebration on the Wittich Hall lawn, and an evening reception at the Cleary Alumni & Friends Center.
While social media and online engagement remained key, Wilmoth says it was refreshing to see so much engagement on campus.
“It’s been my dream to have a presence on campus, especially for students, and we were finally able to do that,” Wilmoth says. “Students are our future donors, and we were really able to educate them about the importance of philanthropy. It was a big relief to have a true celebration like that.”
While One Day for UWL comes and goes in just 24 hours, the money raised stretches much further, making a difference year-round.
The things that make UWL so special, says UWL Foundation President Greg Reichert, would not be possible without the generosity of alumni and friends.
“One Day for UWL makes a huge impact, and we are so grateful to each donor for playing a part,” Reichert says. “Donors’ collective giving power makes it possible for UWL to provide an outstanding experience — one where students become well-rounded citizens, learn new fields of study, and engage in top-notch programs and services.”