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Campus community donates $5+K to United Way

Posted 9:06 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 10, 2013

The UW-L campus campaign for the United Way brought in $4,1499.50 during last fall's drive.

Cheerleaders holding United Way sign.

Thank you!

The UW-L campus campaign for the United Way brought in $5,724.50 during last fall's drive. The money will help numerous programs throughout the greater Coulee Region. Thanks to all who supported the drive — and to the University Bookstore for its generous 20 percent off coupons for all supporters. A special thanks to all these members of the campus community who decided to LIVE UNITED and support the campaign:
  • Nancy Arens
  • Constance Arzigian
  • Vickie Bain
  • Carla Burkhardt
  • John Cleveland
  • Bill Colclough
  • Michael Current
  • June and Larry Daellenbach
  • Michael Daniel
  • Betty Deboer
  • David Faulkner
  • Christopher Frye
  • Jean Helliesen
  • Charlene Holler
  • William Hyde
  • Pamela Jensen
  • Glenn Knowles
  • Rebecca Lee
  • Patricia Mertens
  • James Putz
  • Brad Quarberg
  • Greg Reichert
  • Barbara & Paul Rusterholz
  • Sheila Schneider
  • Maureen Spencer
  • Al Trapp
  • Joseph Tiffany
  • Rebecca Viner
  • Maureen Wermedal


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