A farewell in photos
UWL alum reflects on six years as university photographer
Posted noon Friday, July 29, 2022
A sun sets over Hoeschler Tower.
For the last six years, UWL has been my second home. From sunrise to sunset, I have captured wide-eyed first-year students, researchers, alumni, campus life and new graduates smiling onstage with a degree in hand. These images, along with my work at UWL, will forever be archived in the 113-year history of this campus. I am leaving UWL to pursue a career in teaching, but I leave with a heavy heart. I am leaving a place I love and a job I love. As an alum, UWL has blessed me with amazing professors and the education I needed to launch my career as a photographer, and I am forever grateful for that. It’s incredible knowing that my images will be used for years if not decades. Maybe 100 years from now, my images could be used to talk about how we existed through a pandemic or how UWL has endured for two centuries. How epic would that be?
As I leave my digital footprint on campus, I had a chance to pick a few favorite outdoor images out of the 33,000 edited images I have taken. It was a tough choice narrowing it down, but I think these showcase the campus well. Thanks to UWL for the support. I hope you enjoy these moments in time during my tenure at one of the greatest colleges in the Midwest.
Go Eagles,
Mike Lieurance