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UW-L student employee of the year recognized

Posted 2:32 p.m. Wednesday, April 16, 2014

UW-L student Emily O’Connor was named not only university’s student employee of the year, but she also received the top honor among student employees statewide.

[caption id="attachment_32939" align="alignright" width="710"]Image of Emily O'Connor holding the award along Associate Vice Chancellor in Academic Affairs Fred Pierce. Emily O'Connor receives her award from Associate Vice Chancellor in Academic Affairs Fred Pierce at the student employee appreciation breakfast on Wednesday, April 16.[/caption] UW-L student Emily O’Connor was named not only university’s student employee of the year, but she also received the top honor among student employees statewide. O’Connor was recognized for her hard work as part of a week-long celebration of all student employees on campus, April 13-19. “I was shocked when I found out I was the student employee of the year,” O’Connor says. “I didn’t think that I would receive the award, especially when I was up against such an incredible group of nominees from other areas of campus and the state.” O’Connor works for University Event Support, which provides technical support for events around campus. Her favorite events to work on during the past year were the Distinguished Lecturer Series with Soledad O’Brien and the Campus Activities Board’s 1, 2, 3 Thursdays events in the Cellar, Cartwright Center. O’Connor is an Exercise Sports Science - Fitness major with minors in Nutrition and Business Administration. When she graduates, she wants to work in corporate fitness. “Fitness has always been a passion of mine, and I would love to have the opportunity to work at a wellness center and help the members there live healthy lifestyles,” O’Connor explains. O’Connor thanked her boss, Heather Holm, for the nomination. “I would also like to thank my co-workers. Without them, I would not continue to learn as much as I do or have nearly as much fun while I’m learning,” she says. O’Connor and 12 other student employees in the running for the award were honored at an appreciation breakfast Wednesday, April 16. “These students are outstanding student employees who have done an exceptional job, which is the reason they were all nominated by their respective departments,” says Vernell Glenn, a financial aid counselor at UW-L. UW-L student employee of the year runners-up are: Erik Anderson, Alec Benjamin Carr, Justin Cooke, Kristin Durst, Hayley Hayes, Anthony Jacob Heil, Casey Hintz, Miranda Kunes, Janelle Nelson, Mitchell Reiser, Tia Schroeder and Dylan Volpintesta. Check out more photos of our students at a special recognition breakfast.


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