Posted 8:42 a.m. Thursday, July 14, 2022

QUESTION: I am on an Academic Year (C-Basis) Appointment and am considering leaving (resign and/or retire) from UWL in July or August -- after the AY ends and before the beginning of the new AY. Am I eligible for benefits through my separation date?
ANSWER: C-Basis employees hold appointments that are tied to the Academic Year. This means that their contracts begin on or sometime after the start of each AY (in August) and ends the last Sunday in May.
Faculty, academic staff, limited appointees, student assistants, and employees-in-training who hold an Academic Year contract (this also applies to employees who are on annual contracts that do not include work during one or more summer months); and who is expected to return to employment on or before the start of the fall semester are eligible to maintain insurance coverage through the summer months by prepaying the benefit deductions.
Should an employee decide they wish to separate employment in one of the summer months, the university will honor their separation date as the date on which they notified the university would be their last day at UWL, and their benefits would continue to the end of the month in which they separate. Any pre-paid premiums that had been taken for months in which the employee did not work would be refunded on their final paycheck. It is strongly recommended that employees extend the professional courtesy of discussing their resignation or retirement with their supervisor prior to official notice to UWL in order to allow the unit to plan for the continuation of duties.
EXAMPLE: The University hires Charley to work the 2021-2022 school year. They complete all assignments and their last day of work is May 29, 2022. Charley signs a contract to teach the following 2022-2023 school year. On August 3, they resign from employment. The University will process an August 3, 2022 termination and last day paid of May 29, 2022. Benefit coverage would remain in effect through August 31, 2022.