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Science camp

Posted 9:32 a.m. Friday, June 30, 2017

Christine Schwartz, Biology, assists boys in a sheep brain dissection in her “Zombie Brains” workshop.
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Christine Schwartz, Biology, assists boys in a sheep brain dissection in her “Zombie Brains” workshop. Read more →

Another successful year for girls’, boys’ overnight camps.

Another successful year for girls’, boys’ overnight camps

The 2017 Girls in Science and Boys' Science Exploration Camps were held on campus June 24-25. It was the 19th year for the Girls in Science Camp. There were 75 students entering grades 6-8 who attended the overnight camps. Both programs are coordinated by Continuing Education and Extension with Professor Susan Kelly, Mathematics & Statistics, serving as Science Director. Kelly was instrumental in obtaining grants from Gundersen Health System, Chart Industries, MVAC and individual donors to award 13 students camperships. [caption id="attachment_49258" align="aligncenter" width="685"] Amy Nicodemus, Archaeology/Anthropology, teaches girls what bones can tell us about a person in her “Making Bones Speak” workshop.[/caption] Those involved in teaching the camps were: Faculty—
  • Robert Allen – Planetarium
  • Basudeb Bhattacharyya – Crystal Clear Science
  • Tanya Cordes – Feelin’ Gassy?
  • Faye Ellis – Crime Scene Investigation: The Case of Jason Worth
  • Josh Hertel – Designing Devices Using Makey Makeys
  • Sandra Koster – Chemistry Magic
  • Heidi Masters – Setting Sail!
  • Nicholas McGrath – Chemistry Magic
  • Amy Nicodemus – Making Bones Speak
  • Christine Schwartz – Zombie Brains!
  • Eric Strauss – Blue Gold
  • Yevgeniya Turov – Feelin’ Gassy?
  • Huiya Yan – Mathematics in Graphs – It’s Cool!
Teaching assistants—
  • Allan Andogegui
  • Jennifer Lemminger
  • Valerie Watson
  • Joshua Wilke
Resident Assistants—
  • Rachel Koplin – 2nd year
  • Tim Koplin – 2nd year
  • Jennifer Lemminger – 1st year
  • Justin Vara – 1st year
  • Kyle Vara – 7th year
  • Rebecca Vara – 6th year
  • Tyler Vara – 1st year
  • Rachel Weier – 5th year


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